Frosted Mini-Wheats

I dunno, that's still a step forward isn't it? In Civ V you choose "Do I want to focus on science, culture, or military". In Civ Space you choose "Do I want to focus on science" and THEN you choose "What kind of science do I want to focus on".

Gotta go update that imdb page

Okay, yeah. I didn't realize that was a clip from the video game. I thought that was the credits calisthenics thing you were talking about a few paragraphs above from the show. The video you linked in this comment fits much more neatly into what I understand anime to be, which renders most of my questions moot.

Man, that is a WEIRD music video. Is that what the animation in all the show is like? Does that even qualify as anime? It's pretty clearly some sort of CG 3D rendered work. I'm no expert, but I thought anime was strictly a 2D cartoon drawn in the tradition of speed racer or whatever the first anime was. Sailor

Me either! I made it to the hell level, and I even made it through to the boss at the end once. Only once. It didn't go well.

Oh wow, the Cave Story dude is making a new game? And it's about a Frog? And he has a boring OFFICE JOB?

Question One: What makes the sphere grid a good level up system considering how very little choice it gives the player in most character development until late into the game? The ratio of number of level ups to meaningful decisions seems WAY out of whack.

Hey, while we're on the Snacktaku topic, I have a request.

So is there anything that this game's mechanics offer that's better than/significantly departed from Paper Mario? Reading this made the game sound like Paper Mario. Like, an AWFUL lot like Paper Mario.

SEGA brought over Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, and Yakuza Dead Souls. they all sold awful.

Well I increased wages across the board to my elven toymakers and broke the sound barrier via airborne sleigh on the evening of December 24th.

That's what I do. Spread open mindedness and happiness via year old Kotaku posts :) I'm kinda like Santa

Lol, so many comments responding to something I wrote a full year ago. That this article got reposted complete with the old comments is so silly.

Honestly, I hope this isn't the case. The xbox has never been a JRPG platform and never WILL be a JRPG platform because it's not a Japanese platform. So I'd rather not have just two or three notable JRPGs on the xbox 1 the way there were on the 360.

I'll settle for a Lucina skin for Marth. I mean, she basically is marth right? Same color scheme, same sword, even does that ill advised pretend to be Marth thing for a while. So rather than needing a whole new character for her, can't I just get a really high quality skin on the same old Marth character? I'd

Yeah, it's totally a trade off. The Elder Scrolls remain the cutting edge in player freedom, open world technology and scale, and quantity of single player content. The amount of stuff saved in a file is obscene - basically the location and status of every single item in the world whatever the player might do with

No, I don't think so. People with a certain background in video games really struggle with Elder Scrolls. I mean, there are a lot of parts of Elder Scrolls that kinda aren't good. Just on their own. The storytelling is kinda bad. The NPCs move like awkward puppets poorly scripted, and these games have always had

I'm not worried, because the director of the original trilogy is running the show. And he didn't direct Dual Destinies (which was okay, but pretty clearly just putting together Ace Attorney greatest hits from old ideas).

Yeah. The Vita definitely needs Shadow of the Colossus' 5-8 hours of content on it.

That's super good. Really shows affection for both of the IP in play. The cadences of the turnabout are replicated precisely. The Team Fortress voice clips used to maximum effect. If only all fan mashups showed the same amount of love and understanding of the original works. Videos like this are few and far in