
I live ten minutes from Disneyland, have an Annual Pass, and go several times a month. I enjoy it. Good place to walk around, people watch, eat, enjoy the rides and new renovations/additions, all that shit. It’s a theme park! The most famous theme park in the world! It’s fun.

Your criticism is making you feel good for all the wrong reasons.

I spent nearly half a year homeless and two of the first things to go are a sense of pride and community. The article above even states that by being in this troop and having this sale that these girls feel less isolated.

The girls asked to do this. How about focusing on giving these girls a chance to be kids. They’re becoming a community, they’re making friendships that may last a lifetime and they’re Doing something they feel proud about. I agree that there are some issues with the way the transfer of money is structured, but this is

You know that chickens dont have lips right. Its important to me that you know that

The worst option is anything prepared by a racist, misogynist former deli clerk with the ability to cut and paste.

Mayonnaise with Bay Seasoning.

We evolved.

But Annie’s is the number one brand of ketchup among people who voted for Jill Stein!

 I am honestly a little bit tired of so-called progressive dudes crapping all over Democratic ladies while not looking to so-called progressive men doing squat for either women’s rights or minority rights.

The Takeout routinely advocates for servers and fast-food employees, grades new fast food products even down to their condiments, posts hacks for low costs foods and dining on a budget, all the while celebrating the cornucopia that all classes have access to in this country.

You keep demonstrating why you are a former journalist.

“Look, as a former journalist, you call me to do a story, you make it worth my while.”

Honest to gob, some of the men that I’m the most frustrated with during the whole #metoo movement are gay men. I’ve got a few gay colleagues who think that being gay gives them a pass on the shitty way they treat women and I. am. over. it.

Well one of them gets paid too much money for some supposed talent, disgraces the country every time they open their mouth, and hangs around with a lot of no good grifters and shady motherfuckers.

Why are you here? You don’t like us and we don’t like you.

This was an interesting read. Thanks for parting the curtain on interview scheduling, I was dying to know all about that process. Making a woman uncomfortable over a man’s bad behavior isn’t the framing device I’d have gone with, I don’t think, but then I’m not a man so...

But, on the bright side, we’ve managed to make #metoo about putting women on the spot and make them uncomfortable in fun new ways. It was the natural endgame.

The bigger issue here seems to be why you feel entitled to her answers, and why you think that she should have to talk about Matthew Weiner just because she has spoken out about sexism in the past.

Your kid is 15 and not allowed to use social media? No wonder he’s rebelling.