
I think that’s because Judy Blume’s talent really lies in getting at the essence of what it is to be a child and an adolescent human being, and then how that experience is affected by different factors (an annoying little brother, a first period, moving away, a friend’s tough time, etc.).

I don’t think you know how DACA actually works? Have you done any research into the actual mechanics of the program or are you just trusting what you’re seeing from your rep and the news?

How are they hurting the US? Really, give me a way in which they are hurting the US.

So if you like them so much why don’t you care about their ability to be here? Guess you don’t like them that much huh....

I feel like if you have the money to spend on actual copies of your books, classic literature makes the most sense out of all the textbooks. It also tends to be the cheapest and the easiest to get rid of if it turns out you don’t want to take it with you after college or in subsequent moves.

Well. There was the Baz Luhrman movie plus all those ridiculous 1920s themed parties a few years back which brought Gatsby firmly back into the public consciousness, even if people hadn’t read it. So in terms of people hearing the name and going “oh yeah, that book” I would say Gatsby is much more well-known at this

I’ll confess I didn’t recognize it because of the angle and I was flipping through quickly but jeez, they should have picked up on that.

I almost never post in SNS, but I check every weekend to hear about Catalina. She is so beautiful - those eyes are so focused on you!!! There’s a lot going on behind them, you can tell :)

Agreed, but it gives me hope for him that he is not at this reunion.

That’s what I’m saying!

Even though lots of people have given good reasons why the pics might look like this, take a friend when you go. At the very least you’ll feel safer and it’ll let you be in the moment rather than freaked out and scared.

I also don’t love the photo following it as if posting a picture of yourself in a bikini means you can’t be a serious lawyer also?

I mean, I enjoy LL, but currently his “art” is NCIS right? And like, not even the original?

It was! Lua linked below.

Yeah! I think that when it’s appropriate, this kind of restorative justice is really the only way to combat racism long term.

Wasn’t this done in the South in a similar case recently? I remember thinking that it was actually a great idea.

I just assumed “festuk” was a weird British thing until I came down here and saw this comment, so.

Did the study look at whether having your newborn/infant/baby with you made a difference in effectiveness?

But.... that’s.... not.... what she did? She tweeted something, not at a black person just in general? Her audience on twitter is largely white, and could largely stand to benefit from understanding these things?

Yes, you’re correct. But like I said, taken in context of what she said throughout the day, that’s not what she was saying.