
Ah I get that - I just moved within a 5-min walk of Sephora and it is incredibly dangerous.

Jesus that is some intense staying power.

The liquid lippies at NM are GORGEOUS and not at all expensive - I’m ordering the Slumber Salve and the Mystic Matte in Lilith!

This is a good and cost-effective idea.

Do you do that before applying lipstick or at night?

Omg those are beautiful, and the finish looks gorgeous - not dull, but not super shiny.

Do you use the glamglow balm or the treatment?

Ooh a cool mist humidifier is a good idea. I use Aquaphor’s regular lip balm at night but maybe I need a specific treatment.

I should definitely just keep trying different things... although that gets expensive... NYX liquid mattes are pretty okay, but the colors are a little off, and they don’t have much staying power for me.

I need lip skincare recommendations! I’m very into the liquid lipstick thing, and I started off with colourpop but didn’t love the formulas, so I recently got two KVD Everlasting Liquid Lipsticks. They are gorgeous and I like the formula a lot more than both the ultra satin and ultra matte at Colourpop, but no matter

I read your comment about CNMs. Which is why I was then surprised that when someone posted about their positive experience with a choice different from yours, and what they liked about it, you projected that they insinuated that women who give birth in hospitals are unempowered bots. Like.... what?

A) I don’t think Kevin’s post was shaming at all....? and B) if you’re considering that “shaming” then “I don’t have to clean up my own placenta” is equally obnoxious. If you’ve read the article and these comments, you know that’s not what having a midwife is. Come on now.

But you didn’t ask a question about whether he could also be too drunk to consent. You asked why she would be traumatized if she didn’t remember it. So you were either looking for people to be upset or you’re just lazy, because you could easily google and learn more about how trauma works. Because this is like, basic

I agree that she needs more experience before running, though I like her for 2024. But I really don’t want to get into a situation where every time a democrat gets people excited it gets compared to the fervor around Bernie. There are a lot of differences here - really the only commonality is in their policy

Sure... if the people bringing charges of perjury are acting in good faith. And even if charges aren’t brought, any discrepencies can become a “will charges be brought” or “why is her story changing” circus.

What? No! I mean, I think the approach in this article is fine if slightly cheesy, but you’re showing a profound misunderstanding of childhood development.

I’ve read this entire thread and if you’re being legit, you need a new therapist. Now. No professional, above-board therapist would have told you the details of your daughter’s fantasies, even to demonstrate. It is a crazy violation of her privacy. Additionally, they wouldn’t take her fantasies at face value.

I would keep in mind that this is the first of these kinds of events in animation- I think it’s smart to start with some more basic, 101 type things.

Not exactly. Not every mass killing is terrorism. Terrorism has a political motive. For instance, if multiple people are killed in gang violence, that’s not terrorism. It may seem like a meaningless or semantic distinction right now, but believe me, it makes a HUGE difference in terms of what groups get classified as

I actually think Penny and Sheldon’s relationship is one of the show’s only redeeming qualities. Probably because she is the only character who, rather than just complaining about Sheldon, mocking him, and martyring herself without doing anything about it, tries to understand his emotional needs and sets clear