
I mean, I get that you disagree with the commutation of her sentence. But it’s kind of gross to dismiss the discrimination and abuse she faced while in prison.


It matters that we say it, every time. It’s going to get exhausting, but the alternative - his administration is just crooked and there’s no use talking about it anymore - just allows them to escalate.

We read A People’s History too! But we compared and contrasted it with A Patriot’s History (omfg so terrible).

La La Land is a perfectly fine movie.

GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY. KARA. I know the chances of you reading this are super slim, but thank you for reminding me of Maggie and Ferocious Beast in these dark times.

This is amazing but also is your username a reference to the great and shady Dmitry?

20,000 people! In Orange fucking County!

Mary Ann Carmody sounds like a lovely lady. I hope she got a glow stick.

I still find myself singing these songs absentmindedly, that’s the extent to which they wormed their way into my psyche.

Well a) no one is talking about “rules” and b) there’s a difference between irrational reactions based on racism and reactions based on traumatic experiences.

Do you not understand how those two situations are different? Truly?

This seems perfectly reasonable to me. It’s the lead picture on the front page and it’s of someone actually doing drugs. It’s really a poor choice.

Do we know anything about this baby’s mother? Like, is she okay, relatively speaking? Is there anything we as the public can do for her?

I mean, with a President, it’s not as easy as “Oh hey Taiwan is calling.” Plus Taiwan is claiming his team set up the call, so who knows. I think likely what happened is Taiwan reached out, and his team set up a call. So who dialed the phone is somewhat irrelevant, since in order for the President to talk to another

LOL what? First, I’m not male. Second, since when is being horrified by Trump’s foreign policy a white male thing?

Look, you’re right, but I think you’re whole “try me” schtick is misplaced here. The point of this isn’t about Taiwan, really. It’s about a president who has no fucking idea what he’s doing wading into extremely tricky international waters. And if you’re going to pretend that it’s in the best interest of ANYBODY - us,

I’d vote for you.

On the contrary, this is exactly why you should be in a position of power.

Depends on the age of the student in question. High school students? Yes, generally.