I swear to god I’m not stalking you this turned up in the sidebar when I went to respond to you in our current conversation and this comment made me remember I met Rachel Maddow this summer!
Nope. The genetic part of alcohol addiction is the addiction. You’re not genetically predisposed to start drinking. Your genes don’t make you take your first drink any more than they make you light that first cigarette. You’re genetically predisposed to become addicted to the substance, so the level of choice stays…
I don’t think any of the things you’ve said are at odds with the things in the original post, in fact, I’m pretty sure they’re directly in line with them.
Oooh can I steal this analogy?
Alternatively, why wake your sleeping toddler for a 2-minute (if that) run into the gas station, disrupting the baby’s sleep and mood for the rest of the day or longer? Why not assess the risks for real?
Sure, but that's not what anyone is doing. No one is saying "you have to be a feminist!" There are plenty of reasons not to be a feminist: you don't believe in gender equality; you believe gender equality has already been achieved; you share the same beliefs as feminists but you're a member of a group that feminism…
I sure as shit hope you also don't subscribe to any other identifying labels that may have baggage like, you know.....all of them.
Ugh I'm so sorry :(
Such a fucking D.
Even Republicans hate him, which is quite an achievement honestly. The only upside of his fuckery is that he did so poorly that NO ONE would re-elect him.
This is excellent, especially in PA where our douchefuck of a governor refuses to expand medicare or do anything to help the working class. Fabulous!
I dunno. My women's college does a pretty good job (a very good job comparatively) of dealing with sexual assault on campus. The campus safety department is incredible, and the administration is getting better. So, when young women report assault here, the community takes it seriously and on-campus it's handled pretty…
Yo, Anassa Kata.
Hmm I didn't know that. So the numbers are there, maybe it's in the interpretation?
Also, hey, my troll (who I think is Nomadikat) found you! Congrats!
While I think the factors you emphasize are certainly in play in a large way, I think you've underemphasized the process of actually constructing the drug. You've assumed that drug studies take into account the way women's vs. men's bodies can react to drugs, but I wouldn't necessarily make that assumption. Rather, I…
Because the consequences of being too careless are....?