
Did no one, like, tell them to stop?

I never said this person didn't know....


I love celebrities on Sesame Street.

It looks very oily, and like he has very large pores.

Kenan, are you fucking kidding me? Could you please just be the one Nickelodeon star who is successful and also decent?

I just really think this is victim-blaming. I think it's dangerous to say to people who are being mistreated at their jobs "find a different job." Or "why would you work there?" Not everyone has the luxury of just waiting for the perfect job at the perfect company.

Religion is different than corporation. It's possible that the teacher in question is, herself, Catholic.

Eh? Kind of?

Let's talk about privilege.

I know!! I mean, I don't think this is really news, I think Jezebel just takes an interest in MObama, which is understandable. But it's also bullshit to find fault with her in this because a) pretty sure she has plenty of shit to handle and b) even if she DID have time to deal with it herself, she'd get raked over the

You very clearly do not understand consent. Drunk people cannot consent to sex. Daisy's blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit. That makes her unable to consent. Period.

Kicking somebody in the face will get you sent to jail.....

You don't think FLOTUS has some other shit to do right now? Like there's not a national emergency?

It's a very unfortunate statement and of course he deserves to take heat for that, because speaking out against these kinds of aggression is just as important as calling out misdirection of justice and lack of justice.

Replying to hopefully bump, not only because it's not fair to inaccurately blame police but also so people know where to direct their rage, and the actions that come with that rage. So people know where to direct letters, phone calls, emails, etc.

I was wondering if it would help to write letters. Write letters to this asshole's grandfather. Write letters to that sheriff, to that police department, to that district attorney's office. Write letter's to the state's justice department (do state's have those?). Write letter after letter after letter. Get your

I think some members of Anonymous are heroes. I really do. I think they are fighting rape culture in a way that none of us can because we have to work inside the law. Of course we have to be careful not to paint members of a vigilante group with a broad brush, but I think some members are genuine heroes.

Yeah I absolutely agree with everything you've said. But I see a lot of equating attachment parenting elements with "special snowflake" mentality and a lack of structure and I don't think that's fair.

Right, it's whatever works best for your family.