Yeah I wrote this on another comment but I'll put it here too.
Yeah I wrote this on another comment but I'll put it here too.
On the other hand, though, swimming is a little different than cheerleading. Swimsuits in order to meet national regulations must be contradictory to most school dress codes. There's no real reason cheerleading uniforms can't meet the dress code.
People aren't complaining about his success they're pointing out that while Same Love got great success, that was because it was coming from someone already in the mainstream. That's got to be frustrating as a queer artist. For the record, I'm willing to bet Macklemore himself gets that.
That's a pretty insensitive way to look at it but alright. I think the criticism is valid but I think it's aimed at the wrong person. I wouldn't call it "sour grapes."
Yeah I think placing so much focus on Macklemore and whether he's genuine or problematic or a good ally is not the best choice, honestly.
Thanks for posting this over here as well as in GT, because I think this is really the issue. Not that he's claiming to speak for gay people (I really don't think he is), but that he's getting tons of recognition and credit while other queer artists are not. Which is not Macklemore's fault, necessarily, but should be…
That's actually really interesting to me because I do the same thing. I've never had a relationship at all with another woman, I have a very serious boyfriend, I realized I was bi fairly recently; I've lived my whole life as a straight woman.
He did, originally. But he took it to his producer, Ryan Lewis, who said "This isn't your story to tell." I personally agree with that.
Yeah that's what I meant!
Maybe that's the ten years that no one gets to bother us about our pubic hair?
Yeah that was confusing to me as well...
Just remember, as Ron Swanson has taught us: throw the lit bottle of rubbing alcohol from a safe distance.
That's true, for all its issues, Big Bang Theory has three (out of 7 main cast members) very funny women. Each of their roles is individual, and while Penny can be rather one-dimensional, she does have a complex non-sexual relationship with Sheldon that I love watching. Both Bernadette and Amy are very successful in…
I hate that I feel like I have to defend and criticize Miley in equal measure. I think there's a fair amount of slut shaming in a lot of comments (not here, elsewhere) about her and her behavior, and I'll always stand up against that. However she's accessorizing with black people among other things and I can't, I just…
Is that right? That's a great (comparatively speaking) thing to know. Does that account for the increased risk for infection though? I mean, technically speaking, HIV/AIDS won't kill you, it'll just make it so much easier for something else to kill you.
I don't think that's head bobbing I think it's more like "yep this is basically what I expected: a goat rodeo shitshow"
Yep, a lovely benefit to bottles. Of course, you can pump and bottle feed as well. The point being that when it comes to feeding your baby, you can and should do it so that it works best for your individual family, and no one should judge that.
Ugh shit. That sucks so much. It still might help to talk to your host mom, so you've got a doctor on your side in order to find another sympathetic doc!
Right you want the negative punishment to be clearly related to the action of biting, rather than be associated with hands near the mouth.