Relying on a compass that runs on a battery is asking to die.
Relying on a compass that runs on a battery is asking to die.
Im sure Britt has consistently expressed sympathy for victims of sexual harassment throughout her miserable life.
You weren’t wearing pants and the neighbor said “your dog is loose”?
That it might actually be one of the better questions does not make it fine. If I knew what the first question to the customer was (“wrap it up?”), then the “longtime server” probably ought to know. Then again, “longtime” does not mean “good.”
Ugh. the kinja re-load of old shit is bothersome.
Calling the ads a sneak peek—implying they’re definitely going to run later—feels like layering a jinx on top of a jinx.
Who’s arguing? He’s 100% correct. Maybe even 101%.
If I’m in the left lane, passing like I’m supposed to, and I pass a car to my right, like I’m supposed to, and there’s another car on my right, that I’m gaining on, to pass it, like I’m supposed to, stay off my ass until I pass the 2nd car. I’m not getting into the right lane so I can slow from passing speed down to…
27 year old AA Yankee red ass wannabe.
Owner shoves player during game? League should fine the team a million dollars.
Yeah, it's terrible. Just like "roads" with other cars is a bad place to work on your drag racing. Stay inside.
That Bed O’ Tacks brand toy looks safe enough to me.
Why is everyone is Arizona such an asp?
They only *think* they’re getting a tip.
I didn’t even read the question, just the headline, before answering, “None, you asshole.”
Just sit down to night piss.