If it only took a three-hour delay, I would have got a refund for every United flight I’ve ever been on!
If it only took a three-hour delay, I would have got a refund for every United flight I’ve ever been on!
There’s a long and illustrious history of America getting Ford’s dregs, apparently.
And the conclusion wasn’t “But I still love it and I still love you, Elon let’s kiss!”? Well, that’s new and refreshing.
I even included that picture in my comment. But they probably use ChatGPT or something to put these lists together, so I’m sure that went unnoticed.
As the contributor of this comment, yeah. The UK Granada looks rad! Unlike this turd:
Because only toddlers can fit back there and they don’t smoke very much.
At least they still park like a complete asshole. Glad to see that part of exotic car ownership is a constant.
The LAT & WP editorial boards did not “decline” to endorse Harris. The endorsements were already agreed upon, scheduled, and written. The billionaire owners of these newspapers forced them to pull the endorsements from the calendar a week before the election.
The ExpreSS is a freaking brilliant idea!
That commercial was so absurd. Comparing that turd to one of the best generations of Benz. I mean, they both came in silver, I guess!
The Ford Granada and Mercury Monarch. These were peak malaise garbage built on a 20-year-old platform that dated back to the original Falcon. They rusted almost immediately, even in California. They drove like an old pallet on top of a shopping cart, the interiors were made of absurdly cheap plastic, and the design…
Good god, enough with the hate on the Mustang II. It was the right car at the right time and it sold like hotcakes at a time when Mustang sales were in a severe decline. Not to mention that it kept the nameplate alive for future generations of better cars. Was it the best Mustang? No. Was it the best they could do in…
I’m betting the stans who hand over the cash want king Elmo to have it.
In a 30,000 square foot mansion, I’m sure it’s just like living on your own.
it could have used a nondescript car...
added some Microsoft AI bullshit...
It’s clean, it runs, it’s less than 3 grand. Drive it till the wheels fall off or use it as a winter beater. 100% NP all day long.
SpaceX is, so they have the relevant experience.
Wait, so Tesla is late delivering something and it’s not going to work like they said it would? NO WAY.
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