
Yeah, or maybe the march of technology will continue, batteries will get better, and grumpy old farts whining about having EVs shoved down their throats will be quietly swept into the dustbin.

The “human ascension” and “frequency rising” crap is the lingo of crystal people. You know, the ding dongs who “charge” rocks in their windowsills to get “energy” and shit. They live in an incredibly annoying Venn Diagram of hippies, stoners, tweakers, q-anon weirdos, trumpies, conspiracy nutters, and essential oil

The mods are objectionable, but the price reflects that. 

Toyota Corolla hatchback. 

It’s a completely relevant tip for me, thanks!

I had a can of soda explode in a hot car once. It did not turn out as well. 

Since it’s pictured in the slideshow, it’s worth noting that Sprayway IS the world’s best glass cleaner. It works awesome on most automotive interior surfaces, too. That shit is straight up magical.

The right-wing party based policy decisions on conspiracy theories. Quick. Everyone act surprised.

It’ll also apparently have “excellent visibility”... 

Yeah, all we had to do was hide the disposable camera photos of us drinking, smoking, and taking bong hits and we were good to go! Though those were still discovered on occasion.

I think Musk doing more ketamine would be good thing for all of us. 

Have you been to a dealership before? That's like the finance department's job!

LARPers need trucks too!

Just another day on Skyline. It's a tricky, twisty road and people frequently get out of their element and wrap it.

All of the clickbait and sensational, regurgitated news stories about people crashing their cars and killing people is one thing, but this is the last straw. I know G/O Media is stepping on your necks for the clicks, but if you spent half the time that you spend publishing all this worthless dreck on, you know,

It’s easy to see how it got there. They crashed into the roundabout island you can see behind the car in the picture, busted the tie rods and/or balljoints and walked away from the heap.

I was gonna say, it looks way better than the crash tests of Chinese cars 10 years ago where the entire passenger compartment crumbled on every one.

...insisting that she never meant for her handgun to fire a bullet.

Wow, they managed to make the tires look stupid too. That takes some effort.

The Merc diesels just won’t die.