Friend of Llama

But the diseases it treats are so disgusting and cause so much suffering that it starts to look good. In the accounts I've read, people are like, "give me the poop, I'll drink it, whatever. Just put some cinnamon in it or something."

We Need To Talk About Kelvin.

Katy perry stick to crowd surfing.

*was makeup-free before it became hip.

Well, not moving the upper lip is so much different from CAN'T move your upper lip. Filler can be a bitch.

The thing that always gets me is the upper lip that doesn't move.

I'm particularly fascinated by their super high/long/flat upper lips...

Only the chin moves! Great song choice.

I imagine the alcohol burns most of it off, if not your stomach acid will. I am not fussed at all by things like this. My 5" second rule" is however-long-it-takes-to-get-it-off-the-floor rule"

So, who here never actually got any sort of sex talk? As progressive as my parents were, their discomfort with the subject prevented them from EVER discussing it with me. When I was probably sixteen (in other words, way too late) my mother vaguely asked me if I had any "questions" and then never brought it up again.

I approve of the quote. Most viewers will understand it to be a kind memorial to the victims, and there's a darker - but important - message for those who are more informed. We should never forget the devastating consequences of mixing fundamentalist religion with desperation.

It's her great that her overall message is to do whatever you want with your own pubic hair, but I'm a regular viewer of the Graham Norton Show, and I'm pretty sure she had a story a year or two ago on there where she went into detail about how she and a bunch of her friends held down their one lady friend because of

Marriage as an institution is designed to trap people, particularly women, and tell them that their cage is beautiful.

This is really TMI but I love my body naked. I hate my body in clothes. I think the way that fashion is right now it is incredibly time consuming and expensive to dress well if your body is not a certain way. I feel like that's maybe similar to what you are saying? I'm 25 by the way and I feel embarrassed about not

Haha, that just shows how flawed this exercise is. It's missing an essential component, namely HOW DOES THE PEPPERMINT PATTY FEEL ABOUT ALL THIS?

Right? How do you combine 'abstinence only' with 'abstinence plus a small amount of misinformation'. 'Abstinence plus everything else we say is blatantly untrue'?

but you have to be so CAREFUL with new cars, they have nary a scratch, and with that, you'll be especially careful, and while it's fun to drive, you really wish you could have a car that's seen some stuff, that you can drive a little bit faster, that you know can handle those bumpy roads with ease, that while there

What I learned from the "chocolate gets dirty as you pass it around" lesson is that you should always wash your hands before the gang bang.

It wouldn't get so dirty if it had some kind wrapper on it. I feel like there's a useful lesson in there somewhere. Just a thought, Mississippi.