
I tried to divorce the LOOK AT MY LEGS!!! element and judge this dress on its merits, and I've decided she looks like an Ambassador to the Galactic Congress. So, if that's what she was going for, I approve.

I'm in grad classes where we're actually allowed to think for ourselves, and the topic of a society without sexual identity came up. Basically, can you imagine a society in which you could desire whomever you please, same-sex or opposite sex, and not have to label it as gay, straight, bi, etc? What would the

i had really similar issues for the last six months that i was on zoloft - i'm just wondering if you noticed that hating sex coincided with your starting the drug? if that's the case, and if you're taking zoloft for depression or anxiety, maybe consider shopping around for a different antidepressant. i know that can

I feel like I was literally the only person to have a good week this week and I feel a little bad about my one good week of the semester landing in the middle of so much pain (earthquakes, electoral violence in Iraq (no seriously this is nuts) , Boston, Texas). But I landed my dream internship this week and found out

I'm a black woman. I don't pay to see his work. I am nauseated by his work. But I'm an extremely well-educated, wealthy, independent person, and unfortunately, as we all know, there is a big group of black people who haven't learned or been exposed to enough history and the implications of racist/sexist imagery to

Tyler Perry is terrible. He's doing the worst kind of minstrel show because black people buy into it. There's the expectation that we "support ours" and go see his movies, but his movies are just torture porn* for Christian black women.

They will henceforth be my go-to Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield faces, when I have those books stuck in my head (this happens kind of often).

Sorry, but if she wants to go around trying to make James Deen look like some kind of predator because she wasn't smart enough to pull off a "woops my sex tape leaked" scam, she needs to expect the same to be given back to her. It's just as not cool for her to go around telling people James Deen has a small dick

Hey, can anyone tell me the proper derogatory slurs for Korean people? 'Cause I wouldn't want to be insulting...

Can we talk about the juxtaposition of the attempted rape scenes of Theon and Brienne? Right after we see Theon crying and begging for mercy, they cut to Brienne trying to fight off her attackers. I'm sure that must been have been intentional - a sort of, "not all rape victims are women, and not all victims are this

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I always wondered who the girl from the Polly Borland pictures was - and now she is kicking ass playing one of my fav characters on one of my favourite shows. Here she is with Alison Goldfrapp. I also love that Gwen is buddies with Tom Hiddleston ' her son'.

Look at this woman! So stunning!

HELLO! I am Brienne of Tarth. You killed my Renly. Prepare to die.

While trying to find a pic of her with long hair, I came across this gem. Gah, she's so gorgeous I can totally deal with the fact that Jamie's face is obstructed.

I still sort of giggle when she shows up on GoT because Brienne is supposed to be sooo ugly and Gwendoline Christie is breathtakingly stunning. I may be a straight woman, but I would make out with her Brienne So.Hard.

Its goal was to create a word independent of men, because it can be seen as the word men is the norm and the women is just based on men as the norm.

I hope that author pic/article juxtaposition is intentional.