
I could have told them this. I get way more attention from women-and gay men, for that matter-when I look like I've spent the weekend in a holding cell than when i'm polished to a shiny lustre.

Not anymore.

THANKS OBAMA! No, sincerely, thanks, PRESIDENT* Obama. I may have found some of the things you've done or said (or really, not done or not said) problematic, or maybe a bit disenheartening, but this?

Logical Fallacy: they don't kill people. They-more rarely than I'm sure you'll believe-perform abortions, or terminations if the a-word is too loaded for you, and provide birth control options for people who, in a shameful number of cases for a supposedly first world country, literally have no where else to turn.

True, I'm not really familiar with his "Indie" work of more recent vintage. Maybe he saves his energy for those. I'll have to start looking some up.

Yeah, without the scruff, there is NO WAY I'd follow this guy into a suicidal assault to buy Frodo and Sam some time.

Is COTD still a thing? This is like a Platonic Ideal.

My eyes are up here, ladies. Up here.

Oh I absolutely would do the same in his position, no fault or judgement was implied for that. It's just that, once upon a time, you didn't watch Robert DeNiro act so much as experience him as something larger than life and truer than truth. Travis Bickle, Jake Lamotta, Max Cady; these weren't images on a screen. They

Oh yeah I don't fault the guy for taking home 7- or 8-digit paychecks for basically "Playing Robert DeNiro"; as long someone holding out that carrot, laugh all the way to the bank, and Vaya con Dios to him.

Tell it again!!

I always thought a better name for that channel would be BITCH, LOOK OUT!

Huh. I crush heavily on both of them. Adorkably funny, talented, sort of goofy, not nearly as polished seeming as a typical Hollywood product, traffic-accident pretty...

This innovation funded in part by the makers of Fleshlight!

Actual conversation regarding that Maroon 5 song:

If one more fucking PA calls me "Mr. Boreanaz" I will cut a bitch...

Isn't most of your family dead?

(sigh) Remember when Robert Deniro's name was an indicator of, if not necessarily a masterpiece, at least something worth the price of admission & popcorn? Maybe even Raisinettes?

So you're saying there are no gods in Fulton?
