Had the same thought. According to the True Blood wiki, "Due to the extensive tattoo art on her body (the flower seen in the picture above is only one of several pieces she has on her), Kristin frequently wears costumes or extensive covering makeup that hides the artwork while playing Pam."
How gorgeous is this tattoo? Kristin Bauer van Straten, you can do no wrong in my eyes...
"I definitely feel safer now that everyone here has a gun...except for me. Waitttttt...."
This is what I was most confused and "concerned" by, although I was interested in the actual scene too so thanks to everyone for the information there! But yes, I thought it was strange that she did't discuss Natalia (I didn't even know what that was until this discussion) at all, nor her views or experience.
Oh wow, that is quite the awful visual. So she never said no or stop...although like many women, it sounds like she was worried about the repercussions of saying no or stop. I'm going to stand by my thoughts on what consensual is, and admit that with really seeing the scene or know how that girl was feeling/how she…
Thank you, but your last line sums up my thoughts (more on Lena's comments, less on the actual show): consensual for me equals EMPHATICALLY consensual, and if it is not (even if the rapist does not realize) then I consider the act to be rape. I'm sure many people won't agree with me, but I hate these "well he didn't…
Could someone (maybe who has seen the show?) explain to me what Lena is saying about the "maybe rape scene"? It seems like she is saying that even though the experience was degrading and "not what sex is supposed to feel like", she is uncomfortable calling it rape because 1) the guy is not a villian (because only…
NOOOOO WHAT!? NOOOOO! I don't believe you!
Hm, that is very strange! The page where you buy the lollipops specifically states what I quoted though - I'm genuinely curious. Time for an email!
The final product is vegan, because they artificially recreated the taste. From the site:
No no no no no no.
These shoes are gorgeous - can anyone identify them for me?
I find the entire showering process incredibly boring, why has no one created a water-proof, sound-appropriate TV? I would be so incredibly clean, ya'll. Like the shiniest and happiest of newly minted pennies.
I long for the days when my hair bands, pins, hair bands, and nail polish wasn't strewn in an increasingly-alarming pile around my living room....
It was the 90s; all the teenagers were in their 20s and 30s.
New title for this article "It Doesn't Matter That Remember Me's Main Character Is a Black Woman....because all anyone can discuss is if she's 'black enough'."
Is this perhaps what you are looking for (I did not create it, and I'm not sure who did, but THANK YOU INTERNET STRANGER!)
Livin' the dream, pointing out double entendres and making sex puns on the internet!
Richard Madden is completely incapable of heeding this warning.