
Reading your comment also makes me think....are all of these sham/useless weight loss products actually CAUSING a greater external locus of control for people with weight problems? As in, I thought my weight loss was under my control and not random, but after I've tried so many options that are "proven to lose

Why is the Adam Levine story linking to Matthew McConaughey's wedding photos?? Very disappointing, was hoping to see at least part of a tattooed torso...

What if I believe in magic but not religion?

Yeah, I'm not offended....I just feel kind of sad for him. It seems like he's upset that people change in unexpected ways, but really what I get from this is he holds two prominent, stereotypical views of women (nerd vs. porn star) and happens to like one more than the other.

I guess the whole "I shouldn't be surprised, but I am..." sentiment makes sense, since it speaks to more of an optimism that people would become more sensible, and not necessarily a lack of admitting this is a pervasive and long-standing issue. I'm just a cynic.

The use of native people's images and cultural symbols as mascots for the dominant group that oppresses them are far too common. Throughout history. It's useful to point it out, be critical, and voice your outrage....but I'm confused that people are voicing surprise.

What a boring troll you are - copy/pasting this to every Doug Barry article is just laziness! You couldn't even attach a gif or something? Jeez...

"What do I see on the floor - a DEAD CHILD*!!!"

Usually Pam is excellent, but that was the flattest, least-authentic flirting I have ever seen. Shoot. That doesn't bode well for the Tara/Pam pairing of Season 6...

Glad this was COTD, I found it so clever I showed my co-workers - but forgot to nominate! Congrats AndPreciousLittleofThat!!!

This, exactly - she seems to be going for edgy, but has no social awareness. She continues down her embarrassing, racist track regardless of efforts to derail. Thinking about people I've met like this, I wonder if her friend's and family have touted her "outlandish honesty" as funny, and she has internalized that

You triggered my own crevasse-related issues!

Good point, that may be why it doesn't automatically register. However, if the point is just to discuss the conservative rhetoric around gun ownership and violence, especially in regards to the possibility that we might need additional gun control laws, that is a pretty pertinent situation to bring up.

A good point, so more thorough enforcement background checks then? I think that is a reasonable response to increasing gun violence, especially since much of it is being perpetrated by people with a record of hate crimes, mental instability, felony charges, etc. And sorry, my image of baby and gun required that both

For a second I thought you specifically wanted to have your right to carry a gun and a baby in your arms - simultaneously - protected. It created an interesting image...are you totally against stricter gun control laws? I'm honestly interested, since I think it's a fine balance between having a right to protect

Great article, I really hope that people in Arizona really work hard (but hopefully they won't have to work too hard, given these sorts of things) to get her out of office.

Well said, falseprophecy.

I thought of this too - specifically, that you come to ignore parts of you that are less attractive, and focus on other parts that are more pleasing. Additionally, you might also slightly alter yourself (posture, head tilt, etc.) in a way that is more personally pleasing. When you are then presented with a photograph

This is very possible. When I did neuro testing on an in-patient unit, we frequently focused on the frontal lobe, which helps regulate behaviors like impulse control and executive functioning. Almost always, patients with a history of sexual assault/aggression had issues in this area. Of course, that is a correlation

Zimmerman is still under the impression that "God's Plan," which he is so quick to embrace, is mostly financial. God-plan forbid he not benefit monetarily from this tragedy!