
Ex drug user here. Did pretty much everything I could get my hands on for about 3 years. With very little limitations (no needles, no meth.) and without any restraints (weekdays, weekends, whatever).

Then I finished school, found a job, and stopped. It was painless, I didn’t even really think about it, I just found

I once had to report several co-workers for sexual harassment, after some of the women I worked with confided in me about the problem. I also knew it was a delicate situation that could very well backfire on me. Welp, it sure did. None of the women were comfortable coming forward to management (I was just a shift

I once had to fire a man for sexual harassment. I was carefully reciting the HR-given script, informing him that I had heard from nearly every employee in the store that he made them uncomfortable, with complaints ranging from inappropriate comments to unwanted touching. “What’s that?” he interrupted. “Which part are

Ugh god these gross old guys who are (often truly and honestly) sure they didn’t do anything inappropriate. Guess what, numbnuts? If a bunch of women say you harassed them, what you think is appropriate...probably isn’t. A better man would take a lesson from this kind of thing. Unfortunately, Cuomo really is just a

“I apologize if my actions made woman #1 or #2 uncomfortable in some way, but every woman after #3 is a lying bitch.”

Welp, that 3 seconds when he made a half-assed attempt at feigning contrition was fun, but now it’s back to “Women be lyin’!” mode.

I was riding the county bus home, and it was filling up as it was about 6 or 7 pm. A man sits down next to me and puts his backpack between his legs on the floor in front of him. “Don’t be surprised if a head pops out of this bag,” he tells me. Now, maybe I just read/listen/watch way too much true crime, but I

I posted this above too, but it’s so good I gotta post it twice. It’s just... wow...

I’ll still never understood how we selected a guy who likes sniffing children’s hair over someone who actually acts upon their convictions. To be clear, glad Trump is gone... but Biden’s already backpedaling on the whole college loan thing. Kudos to Sanders. Your title is spot-on.

As a liberal, it makes me sick to see my fellow liberals engage in this sort of abhorrent nonsense. Please stop it. Rand Paul’s neighbor is NOT, I repeat, NOT a hero, and it is disgusting to see people celebrating him as if he is.

Her other words were far more improtant: “If these people don’t feel different, there are many more Trumps waiting in the wings (to take over)“.

Hi. Holocaust denial is not mainstream in Iran. Confusing the former premier’s statements with the populace at large is akin to confusing Trump’s medical advice with that which the average American believes. Please remember that the current premier’s first tweet, iirc, was to wish his Jewish citizens a happy new year

I’m a minister IRL, and come from a long line of same and can share the following observation: non-profits can be cheapest, pettiest employers in the world.  Unless you’re upper, upper management.  Then it’s a really sweet grift.

This single fact is why there should permanently be an asterisk next to any hagiography that will be written about her from here on out. I believe she arrogantly believed that Trump would lose, and now we’re stuck with this. I understand that SCOTUS is supposed to be apolitical but we (and her) all know that is

I am just going to say this but she should have retired in 2014 when the Dems still held the Senate and she knew she had end stage pancreatic cancer. She was an icon but that doesn’t mean she didn’t fuck us totally by not stepping down. 

If I was in higher ed right now, I’d take the semester off. Many schools are charging full (already wildly inflated) price for virtual classes. No thanks.

You clearly missed the story on the camp in Georgia. 360 kids age 6-19 at the camp. 260 positive tests from the camp so far, and 231 of those are from kids 17 or younger.

Every take in this is a bad take. 

I’ve legit been worried about this. I still love seeing movies in the theaters. It’s the only place a movie is likely to get my undivided attention, and I have a comfy and pretty quiet theater within 10 minutes of my house that I went to often as I could manage. That theater is an AMC so I got spooked when there