
There’s no reason to doubt it. It happened, and it doesn’t change the fact that she’s a fascist loony. As IAmBrett says, it was happening to lots of women in Tahrir at the time.

I know several people making $70-100,000 who use mint. $20 a month for the best service i’ve ever had. Meanwhile i’ve met plenty of people who have $150 a month plans and make less than minimum wage.

I’ve had my mint account for years- i can understand them wanting to block spammers, but this is a really silly way to

The cops have not been ‘defanged’, dude.

What planet do you live on? Obviously not Planet Earth. 

Ah Roger, back again. I don’t know why I bother but:

God, these guys are such sad assholes. There are really VERY FEW men so gross (at least until they find that incel site) that some woman somewhere won’t find them attractive. Most of these guys could probably get both a girlfriend and sex eventually, if they were willing to leave Mom’s basement and do some

The important thing to know about Republicans is that literally nothing they do is actually for the reasons they give. There is 100% always an ulterior motive that is unspoken.

“It’s normal for a kid in 2022 to have a trans phase.”

my god they say in the article that this is a SMALL part of the book Ye gods, she was a teenager with an abusive mother, in an abusive system and she was jealous of someone. She has done a lot of work on herself and she’s being honest about being jealous/envious of someone. 

This is very outdated information, interracial is extremely popular and mainstream now.

Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing is frowned upon...

Should [Trump] involve himself again in the lead-up to November, Whaley will likely have cause for concern...I’d argue given the recent results, the state is approaching magenta, and “frustrated” is an understatement.

Could it also be that the President’s powers are also semi-vague and presidents from Teddy Roosevelt to Trump found ways to get their agenda pushed through and at times deliberately bypassed Congress to do so?

More likely his approval rating is tanking because people fully understand the implications of the phrase “Bully Pulpit” despite it not appearing in any ‘official’ role of the President and see the President absolutely refusing to use it in any capacity.

I don’t blame him for doing something that we take as trivial.
The real problem is: South Florida traffic is an impossible jungle of madness that it requires a satanic sacrifice to be this deplorable.
For some odd reason, they will set up 4-5 lane road with a speed limit of 45 a goddamn residential area. So

It means “illegally download all my music for free using literally any torrent service”.

Counterpoint: Inside seating has vastly less dogs you’re allowed to pet.

Counterpoint: less chance of COVID.

Wow, a group of politicians with a powerful interest in spreading propaganda are claiming without evidence that their enemy is doing a Bad Thing that we should hate them for, and oh by the way could you send your sons or your guns? This is at about the level of “The Huns are raping babies!” New century, same worthless

Do you think he puts that on his resume? We received a resume once from a fellow who listed “Sarcasm” under “Languages Spoken”. Seriously. So much no.

As a fellow American living in Europe, I would also point out that I have never actually heard of this practice happening in Europe.