
Everyone with a lick of sense understands that crypto is a get-rich-quick scam for the people who founded it.

The tone here feels like you’re trying to somehow invalidate bike line advocacy groups on the basis that they’re “in bed” with an unpopular brand. In reality they have converging objectives. Fewer cars on the road is good for both parties. Hardly feels like a conspiracy. Pretty smart all around.

Actually getting rid of publicly subsidized parking and adding bike infrastructure is extremely good.

It’s just interesting to be moved enough by the plight of oppressed humans to weep openly, but apparently not moved enough to cast a vote against something which makes that oppression worse. Hopefully she remembers this feeling the next time she (apparently, since she has yet to offer an explanation for her vote) has

I personally don’t care why she cried. I dont need an explanation for human emotion.

When I was in my 20's I was told to wear a wedding ring at work, even if I was single, because it would stop men from hitting on ‘another man’s property’.  This is so perfectly demonstrated by the Cuomo bros.  Women’s bodies and feelings aren’t even a part of the equation - you are just a man’s property

Well no...

I”m sure I’m going to regret bringing you out of the greys, but when you talk about a nation of “indigenous people” and “refugees,” are you talking about Israel or Palestine? Because, Palestinians are the indigenous people of land that Israel exists on now (the majority of Israelis of Jewish descent would trace their

Live fire testing on non-northern European targets. Some things you can’t simulate with smaller scale police actions. 

Reporters in the room on Thursday described her colleagues gathering around to comfort her as she wiped tears from her face.

Yeah prefacing the statement with how wonderful Tina is tells us the org will continue to be a fixer for rich democrats and isnt here to help people.

I hope Tara Reade is enjoying a well-deserved helping of schadenfreude.

So.. she didn’t leave the hotel, and had something delivered, not face to face... what’s the issue? 

All that said, if you happen to be an Olympian fucking on cardboard beds right now, we’d love to hear from you, so please email

“May the peace of the Lord be with you, and your spirit.”

I understand that this is dirtbag, so the flippant tone is expected, but it seems oddly callous and weird to me that you’re treating a situation involving alleged guardianship abuse as a sibling rivalry. If Britney Spears’ testimony is anything to go by, she holds her entire family responsible for the abuse she has

My friend was terrified during voting back in November after she asked if the unmasked man behind her in line could kindly give her 6' for social distancing she asked twice adding she has has a disease that has left her immuno-compromised and it wasn’t personal, she was just trying to be safe. He cussed her out and

Welp, I made the mistake of clicking the links and reading more about the story. The kid apparently stomped on the cat and threw her up in the air so hard that she died. Then the other 7 people in the family beat the shit out of the lady until bystanders pulled them off her. 

“I don’t have a racist or bigoted bone in my body” Gaetz says, would you like one?? 

I used to know someone who, in her late 20s, still harbored a grudge against her younger brother for ruining her Disney tapes with a magnet when they were kids.