
Until elections are publicly financed, I think it’d be a bad idea to make California the first primary state. Its population size is a hindrance, not a selling point. It’s an expensive and difficult state to campaign in unless you’re already a well known quantity with mad fundraising skills, and making it first would

Here massive incompetence is materially indistinguishable from “conspiracy”; they’ve both had the same impact. One thing is for sure, though — fuck that little rat Buttigieg. His current strategy relies on lessening weighting of the overwhelmingly nonwhite satellite caucuses to preserve his SDE lead. What a slimeball.

Bernie declares victory because he had more votes and the satellite sites were going to him. He organized people specifically for those sites. His team bussed them there and made sure they were able to get there when all of the other teams focused on the ‘bigger’ wins. He won the popular vote handily but with those

Get this man some Timbits

I gotta say, looking at rockin’ panda is very calming...

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

You could’ve just asked people in the breakroom - educated, reasonably informed multiracial group of millennial people on the left - why they didn’t support her for president. They didn’t - we didn’t. “Kamala is a cop” was widely understood to be shorthand referencing her prosecutorial record instead of just a low-info

I’m not sure if I’m angry that they don’t screen for sex offenders, or (if they’re telling the truth) if I’m happy that they do not collect enough personal information to be able to do so. The latter actually is heartening, in this age of the end of privacy and the ascent of invasive data mining.

The Leo started was in my loins circa 1995.

So wait is this antisemitism in the same way that Omar was being accused?  Where people are quite rightly calling out what Israel does to Palestine and Israel’s lobbying efforts and being accused of it or is it legit?

It’s a cop out because then no one can ever speak out about human rights abuses at all, ever. Rohingya being brutalized and victims of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar? Can’t talk about that until you discuss the various ethnic conflicts in Mali. Want to talk about Mali, can’t until you speak up about the historical

She also engaged in a level of “whataboutism” that would make Trumpers proud.

This was a bad vote, full stop. When you find yourself voting with Mike Pence’s brother on an issue like this, it should tell you something. Turkey needed to be sent a message yesterday, and now more than ever before.

I like Omar but her justification is weak. You can’t recognize one genocide unless you recognize them all at once?

We are unamused. While I do not expect black folk, democrats, or Muslims to be monoliths, I am disappointed Rep. Omar would send a message via her vote that belittles the plight of Armenians. Turkey (specifically Erdogan) is increasingly belligerent, so giving them any air cover is deeply concerning. Perhaps she can

I follow a lot of people on some sites because they are fucking idiot train wrecks and its amusing to watch them stumble around from one self-made pseudo-crisis to the next.

Especially as it relates to access to capital. 

Structural racism?

That leaked transcript is .... really something.