
Re - Dead Naming...

3ish years ago my one and only BF commited suicide. He drowned himself after a long campaign of harassment by his mother and sister. He had been abused by his father (who’d used his gender as a means to fuck his mind up). His both his mother and sister knew about the abuse, but refused to help him.


Oh how I wish I could go back in time and be afforded the option of hormone blockers pre-puberty, assuming much better awareness now than when I was that age.

The thing that really irks me (well, the whole thing irks me), is the “chemical castration” bullshit the Trumpettes and their ilk are throwing around. She’s all of seven years old, at least a good 4 years from the onset of puberty. I’m no expert in this, but my understanding is that she’d have the option of taking

This is gonna totally blow your mind: There is an entire field of psychology called child psychology. Children see psychologists all the time. Because children are people, and thus are susceptible to mental illness.

These assholes, her dad included, would much rather she present as male up until a suicide at age 14, than let her live a healthy, happy life as female until a ripe old age. How can you talk to people like that? What could you say to make them change their mind?

Wait, you don’t remember all of the black people who voted for Ben Carson or all those Hispanic people who vote for Ted Cruz? Are you implying that women and minorities have the mental capacity to see beyond superficial details and can make decisions based on economic/philosophical concerns?

now-deleted tweet from Jane Eisner, the director of academic affairs at the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University, who offered the following in response to Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar’s endorsements of Sanders: “I find it fascinating that women of color overlook female and minority candidates to

Pets as well!

I have absolutely seen it, and it’s not that rare. Most common with parents who have young kids. I used to complain about them before I had a kid of my own. Then I had a kid, taught him from a very young age that you had to be totally quiet on a train/bus/airplane and how to wear headphones, and now I complain about

Damn the Russia hysteria in American politics is hilarious and insane. Tulsi is a lot of things (hindu nationalist apologism for example) but the by any reasonable standard one would say Tulsi is a Russian “agent” then you would have to also say a number of establishment democrats are Saudi and Israeli “agents” (which

Neither Trump nor Gabbard are Putin puppets. There is no evidence for that. Hillary Clinton is pushing slanderous conspiracy theories because she’s mad that Tulsi dared to endorse Bernie over her in 2016, and still can’t take responsibility for her failure.

I said *state*, you stupid, illiterate fuck. A city has little power in influencing state budgets. You should know that. Also, if I remember correctly, Illinois had a republican governor not long ago?

Special Education teacher checking in, this is rad to see the support. Solidarity to my brothers and sisters in Chicago.


It astounds me I’m trapped for life for wanting to get an education.  If I had started a failed Retro Beeper business, I could just walk away.  I’d honestly renounce me degrees if I could get my loans discharged.  I could find my way just fine in the world without this anchor slowly drowning me.  I haven’t done the

We shouldn’t be forced to rent forever (which, according to this New Yorker, is quite literally throwing money away) or be homeless because we went to college.

“Hm, I am not sure this headline writer knows how copyright laws work”

You can definitely have too many cats. I have visited patients who were cat hoarders. The horror...

I know a lot of people like him (my mother included), but man am I gonna feel a bone-liquifying sense of relief/joy when Mayor Pete finally leaves the race.