
Articles (and laws) like this are a good reminder that the police accosted and killed Eric Garner for selling loose cigarettes.

I get it, these products are not good for you, but over-criminalization is not the answer. It is insane to juxtapose the broad decriminalization movement for various drugs and then

JFC. I don’t vape anymore but all this hysteria over it is starting to go way the fuck overboard (and possibly push more kids into actually smoking, one of the things people are freaking out about, than just leaving vapes alone would)

no one wants to eat the rich when they look so unappetizing.

He’s not worth looking up. He’s literally nobody who shows up once a year to read some names at Ground Zero. That is to say he’s literally been milking the fact that his mother was murdered 18 years ago and apparently thinks it’s an appropriate time and place to take pot shots at a Black woman based on a right-winged

“I don’t actually know what any of this about, I’m just saying what Hannity told me to”

Like him or not, I’m fairly confident that Bernie Sanders would be. He has a decades long track record of unapologetically bucking the foreign policy consensus (uhhh...notwithstanding his lamentable vote in favor of the AUMF). 

Dry herb vaporizers are still chill fam

Is the GOP made up of communists now? Is Russia run by communists? I don’t get it, seems kinda ahistorical. What’s the hammer and sickle, a historical symbol of unity between workers and peasants and the banner of proletarian revolution, have to do with the capitalism-humping Republican Party?

Counterpoint: if I were a country on the US’s naughty list I’d make obtaining nuclear weapons my first priority. You don’t see the US screwing with North Korea all that much.

ever watch that Horse Soldiers movie, or the Chris Kyle And His Plastic Baby one? suffers from a lot of the same problems.

I’m not so sure that the US is exporting it; I think similar circumstances in the US and Europe are bringing out similar responses.

And yet he still might win Iowa if the millennials don’t save us from ourselves as a nation. 

That’s not petty, that’s legit

How could she have done [insert sensationalistic description of a single sex act] for so little money? In this viewpoint, women in porn—and only women in porn—are permanently surrendering something of themselves. From this perspective, any dollar amount is shameful. It’s why the Twitter discourse and the mainstream

He has also argued against punishing men who hire prostitutes.

To all the people who say vegans are obnoxious: you have to shut up now

Soy squirrels.

I am very glad there was a happy beer-related ending to a sentence beginning "My mom lives in Wisconsin and I'm thinking of pulling the trigger."

I'm so happy you included Two Women! For my money, it's one of the very best beers in America. New Glarus receives a good amount of recognition, but not nearly what it deserves.