
Actually it’s because he hasn’t updated his material in years and rather then improve his jokes would rather just blame the audience for not getting it.

Considering he endorsed Jesse Jackson for President in ‘84 and ‘88, combined with his support of the civil rights movement dating back to his college days and the ensorsements he’s received from prominent Black figures like Dr. Cornel West, Ben Jealous and Keith Ellison and the support of his message and policies by

All of my DC peeps, this is your jam! Find a way to disrupt stuff in Alexandria, and at least inconvenience these douches on their way to work. Sit-down strike at the Metro Station that leads to the Homeland Security offices in Southwest? Donations to the shelter so that it can increase its services and shelter

They’re cartoonishly evil. I picture them waiting across the street, twirling their mustaches and kicking puppies.

I wish. This is becoming the new norm now.

I have the... displeasure to know someone who was a border patrol agent, and I spent a couple days once shooting* on the mexican-american border with permission and access from Border Patrol.

That makes one of us.

It sucks that people can coerce women into retracting these allegations and having to say shit like “I just wanted a free trip to Chicago” for the rest of their lives.

The even more fucked up part about this is that it sounds like her abuser will also be deported. So this actually sends her to the same country he’s in, the one where law-enforcement is for sale and you can get away with murder pretty easily...

Aaaaand this is exactly why undocumented people don’t report crimes, whether they are the victim or a witness or have some other relevant information. The people who instigate these raids are idiots, making it a hundred times harder to fight real crime. Also, how fucking cruel!

Blue, thanks for asking

The “Jurassic Bark” episode of Futurama can fuck right the fuck off.

No one seemed to care that our own POTUS has been accused of the same.

I still don’t know how those two were together in the first place.

I think horrible people are just naturally drawn to each other.

And yet they were compassionate and caring when others were not. We can despise their crimes without treating them as less than human.

I don’t believe there’s a current “Son of Sam” federal law - the original was struck down as being un-Constitutional. A few states do have variants of the law, which basically allows time for the victims to intercede and sue. Not sure if Chelsea would have an apparent “victim” in her case though.

Ah, yes. The magical middle ground where a dispossessed people living under occupation is equally to blame to the people colonizing them.

But a grasp of history and nuance is exactly what leads to the understanding that Israel is a Western settler colonial state, and that Palestinians are an oppressed people living under apartheid. That said, there are *definitely* many antisemitic voices within this conversation; they’re repellent and must be countered