
Paul Walker thought he had found one

I don’t think that a lot of this evidence comes from people who are standing in the same room as Putin when he says things.... a lot of this is going to be signal routing through specific servers, from specific IP’s, using specific code in malware, etc., none of which seems to be a highly sensitive subject - they

Totally agree if it was only the one payment. I would totally be in. But four payments, I just can’t justify that.

Obviously yes. Wait, edited because I misread that and just now realized its FOUR payments of $29.98, not just regular $29.98. No, I do not think I would, despite my love of tacky shit and cats.

Oh, I’m so sorry that no one mentioned the plight of the 16-year-old boy who threw his book once in an article about something else. Our mistake, as per usual! Silly women.

This doesn’t make sense. So girls are what, 51% of the population? But the laws and practices “diproportionatelly” affect them? I mean on its face the statement is true, but if the meaning is that girls are being unfairly targeted, then the numbers do not back that up. Unless we are saying that like 50% of all

Statue of limitations are not at all unique to rape charges. They exist for just about every crime other than murder. The reason we hear about statute of limitations more often in rape cases is also the reason I agree with you that these restrictions should be lifted: the unique trauma of rape often prevents victims

I am pretty sure the statute of limitations applies to every crime except murder.

It’s a kickback to American defense contractors. Almost all of the money doesn’t leave the border, just weapons and other military crap. There is some bribery to grease the skids in Israel to make it happen, but the bulk goes to a US jobs program.

It’s time to stop calling them settlers. They are land thieves.

Oxy was a godsend to me after my liver transplant surgery. Had excruiating back pain. I could have not gotten through without it. I was not addicted and they make it really hard to refill. It’s a shame that chronic pain sufferers have to literally suffer because of other addiction.

It really says...something that I had to scroll this far down to see this point of view. YES, thank you for saying this. The drug itself is not the devil. Sure, the pharmaceutical industry is evil and trying to make money, yes. But these drugs also give people in horrible pain immense relief. Sometimes pain cannot be

They shouldn’t be prescribing this at all for long term chronic pain that can be managed with other drugs or methods. However, a close friend is on serious, hardcore opioids for severe arthritis, and possibly bone cancer (has the symptoms, but testing is inconclusive, scans show ‘activity’ but not specifically what,

I used to take oxy on a daily basis, but medical marijuana has allowed me to quit almost entirely.

I do not wish to start a long argument, but your description of the start of Roman-Jewish state relations and the resultant Jewish Roman Wars is not historically accurate.

No one gonna point out the white supremist saying “Ayo-it’s that time, fam”?

So what you’re saying is the DNC backed a candidate who couldn’t beat Donald fucking Trump, instead of a candidate who could? Wow too bad nobody knew that before she was picked as the nominee.

It doesn’t seem like his hopes will be born out, however.

I’m so glad you asked! I am a Jew. I am pro-BDS and stand in solidarity with our Palestinian kin because, as a Jew (and as a human being), I am called to fight for justice and against oppression. Speaking out against the atrocities and crimes against international law (occupation, settlements, home demolition, etc.

Sing it with me, kids: