
I’d also like to point out that the senate this week passed the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act - which isn’t exactly as great as it sounds. The Jewish Voice for Peace has been pretty fantastic about educating people about the dangers of the “alt-right” and Steve Bannon and they’ve been talking about this legislation and

as Democrats scramble to figure out 2020 there should be a bright flashing light at DNC headquarters that says “DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES NOMINATE ANDREW CUOMO”

In case anyone out there was confused about how the voting/enfranchisement system was rigged, here it is. Jill Stein filed for a recount. She paid the required fees. And now, suddenly, she is not “aggrieved” enough to demand a recount. Any registered voter should be entitled to demand a recount if they can pay the

To me the most shocking part of this whole story is that Bob Dole is still alive.

Idk about atheist and feminist, but you’re definitely a troll.

Yes, but when historians look at Hitler, they tend to also examine the conditions and tactics that allowed him to initially seize power, which has more than a few paralells to the present day situation we find ourselves in.

Godwin’s Law is hyperbole until it isn’t, y’know?

Also the 45% of people who stayed home, which many of those Stein voters would have likely added to had she not been on the ticket. Blaming third parties is an easy scapegoat.

Not to defend Stein, but just to be objective you could make this argument for those who left the tops of their tickets blank, or those who stayed home, or those who voted for Trump, all of which represent larger groups than Stein voters.

“fast girls”

I mean, sure it would affect Switzerland but not as much as the countries who are actually in the European Union.

Yeah it’s so crazy that Hillary “Superpredator” Clinton wasn’t more popular. How could any voter be stupid enough to not vote for her, after all those wars she fought for and that time she nae naed on Ellen? Those fucking idiots.

Dems had years to figure this out and didn’t. They lost dozens and dozens of house seats, the Senate, the Presidency and COMPLETELY SLEPT THROUGH GERRYMANDERING.

When I look at people like Bannon, Conway, and Giuliani, I wonder if, in 30-40 years their names will be used by a future generation the way we use the names Himmler, Goebbles and Reifenstahl.

Someone please remind me how many games Ray Rice got for knocking his fiance unconscious? JUST CURIOUS.

I’m seeing some criticism of the fight part of the message. It’s a list of priorities. Run if you can, hide if you can’t, and fight if you’re found. The truth is that if an active shooter finds you and you don’t fight you’ll die anyway. It doesn’t mean to proactively go out and play Yosemite Sam trying to hunt down

...okay? Still not sure what connection you’re trying to make between two entirely different countries, a Bill Gates conference, and a morning tv show’s make-up tutorial.

the panicked employee who had called the cops was being “counseled and retrained.”

Thank you for writing this. When I saw her name surface I was in disbelief. Had to google to make sure that this was the same woman that you had written about in your articles on Kevin Johnson. Stunned that she would be considered. Confused that the some larger media outlets that mention her don’t mention her scandals.

He didn’t attend his grandfather’s funeral—the same grandfather he once called before every game.