
Well, that's probably cuz the only people who are bothering to share their edible stories are the ones who had a bad experience with it. "I ate a couple bites of this brownie, and then an hour later I was appropriately high, and enjoyed watching cartoons with my friend before drifting off to sleep" really doesn't make

"Are you saying the 911 call is not real????"

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know those words are inadequate but I don't know how else to convey my deep compassion for you.

Berners are great pups

I am obsessed with Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. So beautiful and gorgeous and sweet omg aghhhhh I'm going to go pet my neurotic mutt.

And that is the most useless takeaway one could possibly have from this article, congratulations.

I've never posted here before but always lurked. As a survivor of domestic violence, the responses here really sadden me.

There is so much victim blaming going on here. Sure, perhaps the mother is also a monster, or, more likely, she is a also a victim of this terrible man's abuse. Domestic violence isn't just physical - it's more than likely that he was exerting a LOT of power over her - emotionally, psychologically, financially, and

Right after graduating college I worked in a 'steakhouse' that had been converted into a steakhouse/casino with an adjacent hotel in Montana. It was a terrible place that played Patsy Cline 24 hours a day but the tips were amazing. We had really bad food and most of my job was counting money and serving the free bad

This. I just feel like this is what happens when you shame a woman into being a "bad mother". She didn't want to take him to the hospital because he would be taken away. People would know, they would judger her, she would be a "bad mother". Clearly she didn't care for this child. I think we need to do more to

I don't know this situation, but I work with DV survivors and quite often women who are being terrorized in abusive relationships end up losing their kids - sometimes permanently - because they're not able to protect them from abuse. This woman might be a monster, but this could also easily be another case where the

damn, that's harsh. You ate them??

When someone's being an asshole, you make sure they are very clear on what they want. The last thing you want to do in that situation is make an assumption that turns out to be wrong.

Hey- I just want a large black coffee. It's the complicated half-caf almond milk latte people who I have to stand in line behind in the morning who are ruining it for everybody.

Oh god, I swear I had Coffee Latte's husband the other day. Never in my life have I felt the stupidity ratio in a room rise so rapidly as when this guy opened his mouth.

I think she meant more that even privileged doesn't inoculate women from discrimination, not that the things that happen to privileged women are more important.

This... this is my dream life.

He's in a relationship with 13 other twink-ish men, but you would never be able to tell due to the clever system of tunnels and catwalks that allow them to run throughout the house.

This is my *dream.* Though I'd like to make a house for disabled animals. Like a room dedicated to blind cats with no high places to fall from and padded corners so they don't get hurt if they run into anything (my boy runs into the walls all the time...more because he's clumsy than because he's blind.) Rooms with

This is not a bad thing. Bars that hire exclusively female bartenders are likely not doing it because of their skills (although many of them definitely are highly skilled and great at what they do) - they're doing it because they want to add eye candy and please male patrons. A bro has a better night out if he can