
"not using condoms is helping perpetuate the idea that they are some awful turn off"


How much coke could a Cork lady snort if a Cork lady could snort coke?

my father has suffered from chronic pain for 30 years. His prescription is for enough methadone to kill a large bovine. His medical marijuana prescription has allowed him to cut back on his methadone by more than 50% and he is more social, happy, and calmer than ever. Viva la pot!!

My pain management Dr. was trying to figure out which opioid I would like, and when I asked her about getting and Rx for medicinal marijuana, she said "whoa, whoa... we don't touch that stuff at all..."

It's not anti-Semitic to dislike Israel. Israel is a country.

And you gentlemen can have the joy and delight of having shit and menstrual blood on your seats - maybe together we'll finally run the hoverers out of town.

Why would it even be an issue for single-use toilets? Airplanes and trains have functioned for years like this.

It's not even New Age or hipster!

This is bullshit. Call it whatever new-age hipster shit you want, these parents have the right idea. There is ZERO wrong with letting your kids walk home together, especially if the distance is short. That's how they learn independence. It's how they become more aware of their surroundings, and it's how they learn to

I guess the whole thing filmed and documented and the thousands of copies that must have been passed around school don't fall under the 'evidence' category? Even though it was deemed good enough evidence for the porn charges (which is another bothersome aspect of this case.. How the FUCK do kids pass around child porn

During his sentencing, as the National Post's Christie Blatchford notes, the teen said that Parsons' eventual death had nothing to do with his actions, telling the court, "I will not live with the guilt of someone passing away, but I will live with the guilt of sending the picture."

"Name me a teenager who didn't make mistakes."

Yeah there's the "kid got busted drinking in the park with his friends" and then there's "kid rapes a girl and takes a photo" ... not QUITE the same thing.

No, asshat, you didn't "bully" her. You raped her. Much worse. My heart flips over every time I see her picture.

"Police say they don't have enough evidence to charge. They also waited ten months to investigate."

This reminds me of the time I saw Juno, and she is persuaded to not have an abortion by the thought, among other things, that her fetus already has fingernails, and I made a vow then to never get pregnant because wow, nothing that has fingernails ever needs to be that deep inside me.

Oh it gets even better (aka like 100 million times WORSE). Alabama also has really insane child endangerment laws that have been interpreted within the state to apply to fetuses. There are tons of poor women locked up in Tutweiler Prison (the only women's prison, where the rape problem has historically been so bad

Declawed cats are EVERYWHERE in America's shelter system. Some people, including a small fraction of (IMHO) insane veterinary professionals, try to argue that declawing a cat will make it less likely that the cat will be abandoned. NOT TRUE.

My sweet 15-year-old boy was given up at the age of 10. He was neutered and declawed and his owners took him to the vet to be put to sleep because they didn't want him anymore. My friend sent out a plea for someone to take him and I did and it was the best decision ever. He is THE BEST cat I've ever had and I love