
"We are not racist at all and serve anyone."

Solution: avoid Virginia at all costs.

yup! when i was old enough to start dating my father told me to avoid any and all boys who didn't like animals, but especially the ones that didn't like cats because society sees them as a representation of the feminine (and dogs as the masculine). it was excellnt advice, at least for me.

You think this girl ever tried a polite 'no' ? She probably did and experienced the same violent hatred.

Ugh, those amanita mushrooms SUCK unless you like wild delirium and uncontrollable drooling. They are NOTHING like real psilocibin shrooms, NOTHING AT ALL.

Death By Snu Snu!

I lost my virginity to a German man during my year abroad. There was a rainstorm, I stumbled through in German to explain my thoughts, it was actually quite lovely. No regrets whatsoever.

Him. At least there's that. But he told everyone who asked about the cast that his girlfriend beat him up, so yeah.

The worst most humiliating can experience I've ever had:

Don Cheadle's costumes were amazing!

I'm confused as hell at what you're even saying here.

My only hope is that Dora is robbing her blind.

Ah, I get what you are saying now. Please forgive me, I have the flu so I am a bit "off". Nuance also doesn't come out well in text. I read "When you weaken that privilege, it means men have less power and resources because they have less of an unfair advantage" to be a different meaning. I sincerely apologize.

It's just an unemployed man and his family, why wear a suit?

Fuck any and all royalty

This is the first time in recent memory I've been proud of my country. Never worked a day in your life and you're trying to tell working people how to dress? Eat an inbred dick. If I ever met the royal family I would show up wearing nothing but a soiled diaper and an American flag pin. For freedom. (Not really, I'm

Helpful! But they left out the most important tip - have white children.

Fun fact, your body naturally produces formaldehyde and so there's already about 16 mg of formaldehyde in your blood.

Maybe. But I really think "Sea Muppet" would be a better name for that guy.