
Well said, sportwarrior. To complain about the lack of recognition at the All-Star game, or any perceived lack of recognition, goes against everything i've learned from #19 in my life.


I'm assuming that they went with the Dune name knowing full well everyone would end up calling it a Dung Beetle. Or maybe not...

I assume the PB in 312PB is for 'Peanut Butter' and the jelly is your brain when flat out.

She's got this "I'm OK with me, what the hell is wrong with you?" kinda confidence thing going. It's pretty sexy.

BTW the steak, bone in rib eye, was delicious. In the end i must thank you, Alan Henry. Well played.

Dammit, now i want steak. Why did i click on this article? It's 9:42 in the morning and i want steak. Look what you did, you just cost me 15 bucks because now my day must include steak. Oh, and i'm out of charcoal so slap on 10 bucks for a bag of that too. Alan Henry, i am not amused.

As a man, everything i do in my free time is weighed against masturbating. I'm constantly asking myself, "Would this time be better spent masturbating?"

They tried to ice Revere and they blew it. Either everyone is in on it or no one is.

This article is a great example of how our own preconceived notions about what constitutes racism clouds our judgement in everyday circumstances. Context is everything in these situations and when someone makes a blanket statement about 20 seconds of video without any real idea of the bigger picture the said statement

Showed that picture to my mom and the first words out of her mouth were, "Where's the rest of his junk?"

Where's the animation where Puig throws a frozen rope to the guy sitting 3 rows up along the 3rd base line? Or how about the one where he gets thrown out by 30 feet stretching a single into an out?

I love me some Uncle Teddy. The man has his flaws but he calls a great game.

Take note damn-near-every-sports-broadcaster-out-there, a guy being awesome reporting on sports without yelling at the audience.

As a Padre fan the only thing i hate more than the Dodgers is the entire Giants organization.

No mention of The Iraq? Disappointed.