
I live in Chapel Hill and there is so much rage everywhere. Of course, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Raleigh, and the Triangle are oases of generally intelligent, reasonable people. It's always hard to remember that I'm in a bubble here and that the rest of the state is very, very red.

I live in Chapel Hill and would like you to move back and help kick ass. Pleaaaassee. So angry. Every day it's some new bilge from that building.

Oh god. The time when I emptied the contents of my guts into the toilet and my little lady came in the bathroom unexpectedly. She was so worried she plastered hello kitty bandaids all over me to help me feel better. Nevermore, quoth the raven!

Oy! Will this work on my Windows 8 phone? (Please be understanding if that's a stupid question; I'm teaching myself programming and am still a babe in the woods.)

I have a friend who isn't married and was getting close to the old "end of the babymaking age." She went out to a bar and found a good looking guy, told him she was on bc, and they hooked up. She didn't contact him again (but kept his number). Nine months later, the sweetest, most darling little baby is here! She's a

You. You with your perfect, perfect gifs.

Lots of people use Adderall. I would, if I was okay with the way my heart raced and tailspun on it.

Agreed, x100. I <3 Lindy West so hard.

I like this and agree with everything said, except for the word "bitch." I cuss like a sailor, but I do NOT like being called a bitch. It's demeaning. It lessens my assertiveness and puts me into a category that's ultimately self-abasing. I get if we're trying to "reclaim" the word and all, but in my world, it hasn't

+many, many!!!!!!

I adore him. SIR Richard Branson! Philanthropist, purveyor of Obamaphones, yes.

Can we pleeeaase talk about two "pair" of shoes?? I hates it, Precious! SO MANY PEOPLE SAY THIS!! Because I am self-reflective, aware, and generally superior, I wonder if it's just me and/something of which I am unaware.

Ahhh DORE!!

Please sir, I have no sound on my work computer. What is this "twerping," please?

I adore GIMP. It makes the time pass a wee bit faster at my boring, boring receptionist job. I'm getting rather good with the program, thanks in no small part to Pat David's tutorials.

*Its* sludge home, bitte.

What's a primary partner? Is that like, a main squeeze?

You guys are brilliant with le google. I'm so happyyyyy for youuuu!!!

Snort! Isn't there a book called "I feel bad about my poo?" Between your dizzying spectrum of fecal matter and my three year old daughter's absolutely giant ones that she crows over, I'm feeling inadequate.

Again. Your poop is chalky chocolate?