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The premise sounds like one of those 'what if' ideas you throw around when you're half asleep drinking coffee in the morning with a friend. Hardly an idea for a movie it makes.

Yeah, I think she would have trusted Andrea more to explain what she'd seen or what she was thinking, maybe she wanted proof first. Or maybe she felt Andrea had been compromised all ready and lost her trust in her. Their showdown in the last episode, though, I don't think there was room for a conversation about 'why'.

I think she killed Penny because she has no misunderstanding about what zombies are. Once someone turns, they're not human to her anymore, and don't deserve sympathy or compassion. The two she had with her when she was introduced were her family, according to the comics, but she only kept them out of convenience. For

I'm really glad we got to meet Tyrese this episode. And the way he's been portrayed so far, I think he'll be a strong addition to the cast. It worries me that he was introduced so late, though, right on the cusp of this conflict. In the comics he came in right after they left the farm, so he was right there helping

I think this is a situation where the audience has more information than the characters, so the things you imagine as obvious aren't as obvious to the person in the situation. As far as we know, Andrea only said she was part of a group that maybe did and maybe didn't abandon her. We never heard her spout names or

That's why I don't even click on the article until after I watch the episode. I don't even like watching the promos they post. Same thing with anything Game of Thrones on their morning spoiler's. I just skip right past it.

Yeah, I can't justify it this time around. I figured the T-Dog death was just a writers room decision cause his character had no interesting qualities, and having Oscar come in was just a timing thing, but two changing of the guards in one season? I'm starting to see the conspiracy.

I remember a friend of mine saying he voted for George Bush the first time because he said he felt like Bush was someone he could sit down and have a beer with. Funny how we imagine our leaders.

I think it's more believable that he'll send Andrea to be the inside person. Without her realizing that's what she's doing, of course. Some interview quote from Daryl's actor said something about them not fully trusting Andrea when she rejoined the group because she wasn't 'one of them' anymore.

I think the first part of this season has been more about how to justify this guy leading an attack on a uselessly small band of people living in a prison. Something I wondered when reading the comics is how a psychopathic leader like the Governor could convince a town full of people to attack the Rick clan when his

James Franco = Daniel Desario

I say make it a 10-part clone saga movie series against the Jackal. But only if it's entirely convoluted and inconsistent.

it's the first step towards a Star Trek simulator.

You can queue songs in Winamp too. They've had that forever.

that's why I still use Winamp. In classic black and green skin

It only took them 9 years to include the ability to cue up a song..

I don't understand the reference. ..I'm sure it was a good one though.

No. But you are missing my point.

Yeah, I agree. Kind of broke the suspension of disbelief. Regardless of how it was handled in the comics, they should have just come up with something different rather than a suggested possibility of maybe something that might turn into rape.

just blow up the nuclear waste with a nuclear bomb. one hand washes the other.