It's definitely not historically accurate, the story is told more through the lens of history than anything. But would you believe there were haunted alien vampire steampunk robots on last weeks episode?
It's definitely not historically accurate, the story is told more through the lens of history than anything. But would you believe there were haunted alien vampire steampunk robots on last weeks episode?
Maybe you didn't read the comics.
Call it historical fantasy then. And I'd argue that zombies are a horror trope and not sci-fi at all. Boardwalk Empire is just as good as The Walking Dead (as far as quality story-telling is concerned, the pacing is very different though), and I'd love to hear updates for the upcoming season, interviews, comparison to…
Alternate description;
Prometheus was a fine movie and had no impact on the original Alien's quality. Sourpuss..
Well they went all limp on the whole rape plot line for Michonne stand-in Maggie, which for TV was probably a good idea. but like you said, they still teased with it. Anyone who read the comics saw a dark episode shapping up for Maggie, but then.. he just lets her go. And I'm fine with them skipping the whole brutal…
wearing a yellow bowtie..
If I could suggest one non-sci-fi show that you guys should be covering in Morning Spoilers it'd be Boardwalk Empire. Of course the season finale is this Sunday, so it might be a bit late to be bringing it up. But if you feel comfortable reporting on what some random vampire from the Twilight "saga" is doing next,…
two internet points awarded
Dogs do that too. I remember finding some slow motion video of a dog running and it's head stayed in the same spot the whole time (minus the camera shake).
I always hoped that cheetahs made little split-second silly faces while running because it figured they were too fast to be seen anyway. Thanks for nothing internet..
To me it doesn't matter how much it costs, I still think it's a terrible idea. The moon is... right there. Set up shop in the backyard first. I imagine you'll find more people willing to pay 500k to move to the moon, knowing they can always come home rather than shooting them all the fuck out to Mars.
adopted child syndrome drove him mad.
"are you talking to me lady?"
I do agree that it's the big figures or big achievements that inspire people. But I think the problem with myths like these is that it's like reading the children's book adaptation of a movie that was based on a novel. Most people don't get passed the children's book version, so you end up with "great" figures like…
I always wondered how much of my high school history classes were completely inaccurate. It'd probably take a lot more than a 'top 5' to cover it all.
you just get a copy and paste from a different response cause I'm sick of explaining myself. I feel like a politician..
Jesus internet, take a pill...
When did I say it shouldn't?