
She was the best thing in No Time to Die.

Wait until mid-September. Tucker Carlson’s sure to dedicate an entire hour to the “controversy”.

Nobody is upset that the actor’s ethnicity does not match her subject?

Yah, knowing basically nothing about Disneyland’s Marvel stuff, I definitely assumed this was about an actual stunt performer that actually died at first. Had to go through a series of “holy shit why is this article being so flippant about this tragedy" before eventually deciding "okay there's no way this is real".

Yeah the B-mode kicks in instantly if the system thinks it isn’t going to land correctly.

*pushes up glasses* It’s actually an interesting fail. The Spidey robot locked up which must have been an issue during testing. It probably happened enough times that the Imagineers planned for it, so the show has alternate dialogue in case it occured. The breakaway wall also allowed for easy replacement to get

Exactly. I don’t have time to play the games I’m HYPED for, much less games by publishers who pull stuff like this...

In today’s world, it only takes one bad game release to crush your reputation and destroy all good will.

Its going to be nothing like Immortal.   Immortal is free 2 play.   Diablo IV is going to cost 70 dollars and still be chocked full of those microtransactions everyone loves!! :)

A study conducted yesterday by a man on himself concluded that self-reported anecdotal evidence is, in fact, both reliable and relevant.

Hey everyone, this guy has an anecdote. No need to worry about Covid anymore!

Streisand Effect ACTIVAAAAAATE!

Yeah those character models look lazy. Like they are the default model pack from a 3D rendering tool with a few accessories added

You know what, though? That's fine. Nintendo did it with Metroid Prime 4; we're still waiting, but at least I have faith that when it does come out, it won't be a steaming pile. Good for Ubisoft for recognizing the Sunk Cost Fallacy. (and yes, I feel a little dirty about saying Good for Ubisoft) 

Those other people got paid.

They’re so clearly having to start the entire thing from scratch and its like...those other teams spent YEARS on this, only to see it binned. It’s a very sad and complicated story.

From the moment it was revealed last year it was kind of obvious this was never going to get released because it was truly terrible looking.

Like, I straight up don’t get it. Timed exclusivity of their first party content is the ideal way to go.

I cannot imagine the mindscape of the person that this would bother.

don’t forget Dakota Johnson refusing to play along with Ellen’s “I’m the nicest person in the world!!” bullshit when she got caught in a lie, making for one of the cringier daytime moments in recent history (but in retrospect, it gave me a TON of respect for Dakota Johnson).