
Solution: Fire half of all the CEOs and bigwigs in the VG industry. Cut in half the salaries of the remaining executives and any bonuses they earn are reinvested back into the company or shared with every dev and employee. Cut marketing costs in half and reduce around 35% to 50% in budgets, for starters. Oh, and make

I’ve been using Arc since March of this year. I agree with everything you mentioned and Arc is the only browser I use -or need, for that matter. The only thing I miss is the ability to browse every single tab in a space with the keyboard (only the 5 most recent tabs). Or maybe it is possible and I just don’t know how

Same goes for Latinamerica

I’d more than OK with a season per book.

I applied, for the lols. If I get picked, I’ll write my review about my experience here in the comments. This is the first time I hear of “Epicwinapp".

I’m going for hyperbole here, but imagine if the telescope was named Adolf Hitler. Or let’s not get THAT extreme, what if it was named Bill Cosby or whatever? Better? You don’t think people would want its name changed then?

Spider-Man doesn’t kill Doc Ock at the end of Spider-Man 2. Doc Ock sacrifices himself after coming to his senses by destroying the small sun thingy he himself created.

sighs* Guess I’ll have to use the freaking shopping cart as a wishlist now.

It definitely didn’t feel like the character was breaking the fourth wall at all. If I hadn’t been told, I’d have never known.

And now we know I was off by $50. Much better then.

No way they’re doing $600. They’ll do $500 just like Xbox did. What I don’t see them doing is selling the Digital PS5 at $400. Maybe $450 and that’s a big maybe.

I’m thinking Sony might hold off on announcing a price and release date until TGS, which veery close and seems like something that’d suit them better.

Seconded. I’ve found myself watching maybe 15 minutes tops before quitting. There’s maybe ONE comedy special I really liked on Netflix, but can’t remember the name of the guy.

I’d like to see them not resigning from being cops, but seeing the US police as a whole, in their fictional world, being defunded. That’d be far more interesting, I think, as a way of giving the audience a glimpse into how a defunded police would look like in the real world. Without losing what makes it a comedy in

I just know the actor Feige talked to is Sebastian Stan so he can play a young Luke Skywalker.

No, no. Your example would be best, had you described it like so: “Marlon Brandon, best known for playing Fredo’s dad in the Godfather”.

Same here, played this game several times via emulation and it's one of my favorite RPGs. But you’re right, buying this will show Square Enix that more of this is what fans want. I'll definitely be getting the collection AND the remake.

I never do, but I always WANT to always get Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Chrono Trigger whenever they are re-released.

I wished I could star you more than once!