
“Google “Donald Trump frontrunner” to marvel at how many by-reputation-and-presentation savvy and gimlet-eyed reporters and pundits have gotten in on the hustle, selling the garbage notion that Trump’s polling numbers indicate a meaningful advantage in pursuit of the Republican presidential nomination—that he is the

Tuffy Rhodes hit 55 home runs in the Nippon league at about the time Ichiro was leaving for mlb. Randy Bass hit 54 home runs there and hit .389 one season. Mariners washout Wladimir Balentien hit 60 home runs there three years ago.

Look, women, its not our fault that you’ve taken it upon yourselves to hector us about all manner of life’s mundane, and ultimately meaningless, details. Your collective commitment to nagging the life out of your poor hen-pecked husbands and boyfriends has now come to haunt your anointed standard-bearer. Poetic

Just do push ups, pull ups and planks in your apartment. Don’t go crazy, do 10-15 minutes every other day. If you can’t do pull ups at first, get some 15-lb dumbbells and do curls and do dumbbell rows on your couch. 10-15 minutes three times a week will make a big difference (four sets of each exercise). If you live

I don’t think there’s any way to make football safe from concussion risk. Concussions result from sudden, jarring collisions, which cause the brain to thump the inside of the skull. It doesn’t matter what kind of helmet you wear or what position your head is in when you collide at high speed with another individual.

I worked six years as a reporter for two papers in Florida, and I would say about half of all new reporting hires were Spanish speakers. I don’t know how you could work at the Miami Herald or New Times without speaking Spanish. Suffice to say, there are plenty of Spanish speaking reporters out there, with real

Take a break from hiring from Ivy League safety schools and hire someone from Miami.

I’m sure Jordan will be heartened that his donations have finally won him the approval of noted social justice warrior, Tom Ley

That’s a pretty damning way to frame the information in the police report. She told police that she was assaulted while sitting in her driver’s seat. They talked to four witnesses, one of whom was in the car, who all said they didn’t see an assault.

Airport bars are awesome. People get fucked up in there. People probably think that being shitfaced will make it easier to accept death in a crash or terrorist attack but really it just makes them more likely to disgrace themselves mid flight, shit their pants, slap a stewardess or some such, and get hauled away by

I agree. I remember there were rumors that Sandusky’s charity was pimping kids out to wealthy donors. Those are seeming pretty plausible the more that comes out on this.

Never mind. I see now that your post was typo-driven.

It would have been more precise to say “I typically loathe Burnenko’s writing.” Your attention to detail has brought about real clarity here.

I loathe Buneko, but this is pretty funny.

This post is sentimental piffle. Wade bought 2 championships for that $26 million. It’s very similar to the decision KD just made, paying for rings that you don’t think you can win on your own, that you were up on your soapbox about two days ago. No smart basketball executive is going to hand out salary cap money as a

Or just fire him.

Google “American ball players in the Nippon league” look at their stats and then hope this embarrassing post disappears as quickly as possible.

Randy Bass, who knocked around for six different mlb teams, never an everyday player, won consecutive triple crowns there.

Tuffy Rhodes hit 55 home runs in a season there.

Because he tweets, and he has AIDS! Cleverly crafted.