The Scott Baio molestation accusations knocked out 20 percent of the GOP’s celebrity infrastructure.
The Scott Baio molestation accusations knocked out 20 percent of the GOP’s celebrity infrastructure.
He should shoot a medicine ball. The weight forces you to use the proper foundation and mechanics to get the ball airborne and rotating.
Actually, watching on Christmas Eve, I was struck by how much more of a swinging place Pottersville was than Bedford Falls. It’s actually pretty funny the way George’s face contorts with horror when he’s confronted by all the neon signs for drinks, shows and dancing girls.
So you keep the headline up calling the kid a racist, along with the apparently fake web posting upon which your “news” is based, but add three sentences of clarification explaining that the whole thing is likely a hoax that you were too lazy to check out?
Should you update the headline to reflect that it might have no basis in reality and may just be the product of your laziness?
I hope Geno Smith wins out.
Where’s Sampras, Wimbledon 2001?
Where the fuck are green beans? Are all of you so isolated in your hipster tower that you don’t even remember what started all the bean shit? Embarrassing omission.
“Once again... weaseled their way out of a loss.” The game you posted to was re-played as a road game in Baton Rouge and the Gators won. Are you a sports fan? Familiar with Google?
Can’t put a price on that.
This article is shabby and lazy, even by your standards, Burnenko. At least you spared us all the 10,000 words you usually use to spout your ill-informed dead-horse beating and half-assed citations to advanced analytics. If you think the Knicks have any leverage trying to convince another team to take on Carmelo’s…
It’s too late for all this. He’s not going to turn them over, and it’s not going to matter. Democrats had a chance to run a change candidate in an election that clearly called for one, but instead chose to shill for Hillary. President Trump will be the result.
Your friend was right. Your concerns are nonsense. Players get concussed all game, every game. Any violent collision will do it, not just headshots. The NFL’s focus on contact with the head is designed to distract the simple-minded (and self-righteous) from this fact. In your case, it has worked.
He's got dirt on her. It's the only explanation that makes any sense.
He did play 11 years and he is still going to get paid $96 million (!) over the next four years, so grain of salt and all that.
You should have explained to the editor how you balanced out calling the dad a “hungry-eyed cracker dipshit” and calling both of them racists and bad parents by haughtily wagging your finger in the comments in a valiant attempt to defend the mom’s honor from the commenters who wanted to bang her.
He’s the best hitting Met, but he’s hitting .208 with one HR since he injured his quad a month ago. And nobody’s saying that golf caused the injury, they’re saying swinging a golf club at least presents a risk of aggravation that is unacceptable for a guy getting paid $27 million to play baseball. He aggravated his…
I doubt Tom Verducci and Greg Amsinger know enough about the mechanics of the golf swing or the nature of Cespedes’ injury to offer anything but wild speculation. Cespedes aggravated his injury swinging the bat. It’s stupid to say swinging a golf club is incapable of doing the same. Tiger Woods has torn his ACL, his…
The main thing is to do something. Just be active. 10-15 minutes of exercise (jumping rope, walking briskly, riding a bike, push-ups and planks) that you do consistently is better than a complicated routine that you don't have time or energy for. The difference between doing nothing and 15 minutes is bigger than the…