
Breaking: Tennis champion is maybe less well-liked by some people than two other tennis champions, at least the author senses that may be the case.

“it insults all the black sportswriters, coaches, scouts, video coordinators, front office executives, and players who are perfectly capable of understanding basic math”

Fat shaming? He’s not a plus-size model, he’s a professional athlete. Conditioning is part of the deal. This is the problem with letting hipster metrosexuals cover sports.

Without the ring.

This list is bullshit! Except for Rafer Alston and Bill Walker.

As always, the point of Deadspin’s “analysis”: I know where to find some charts/stats on the internet and how to copy and paste them. I am smart at the sports.

Boom! Take that George Will. About time someone knocked him off his high horse.

According to Deadspin hoops analysts, the key to a Lakers resurgence is to play D’angelo Russell more minutes (even though he was sixth in rookie minutes) and just let the guy live, man. As has been amply demonstrated, the key to success in sports is to let your rookies run wild and free.

“I told Mort to keep fighting, and on the other side of this, that I’d buy the Budweiser... and also Papa Johns.” P. Manning.

What makes any of you qualified to analyze and critique players and coaches? How many of you played sports beyond high school? To the extent that your critiques are based on analytics, how many of you have any background in math, or even the ability to explain how the statistics you are citing are calculated? To the

You are my new favorite. I just saw them in NYC. Dr. Rock!

Morning drinking at airports is one of the real underappreciated aspects of air travel.

“We considered a museum outing...” Case closed.

I promise you a woman was the first person to conceive of the combined bachelor/bachelorette party, and her browbeaten fiance did us all a disservice by allowing this insane concept to gain a foothold. For god’s sake women, you have the whole rest of our lives to gradually stamp out our wills to live with your

Actually, I believe he’s saying that basketball is less complicated than the reporters think. Have the right players take the right shots and keep the other team from taking the shots they want. Shots falling trumps everything.

This list is incorrect, except for Mike Ricci. Curt Ronning, Trevor Linden, Mats Sundin, Bob Corkum, Adam Foote, Steve Larmer, Alexei Yashin and Vincent Damphouse is correct.

He averaged 7 assists a game that year.

Here is a game that happened and two thousand words, somewhat related to it, that I think sound like good writing.

This post might be the stupidest thing you’ve ever written, which is quite a feat, because you write like Kobe shoots (“He wasn’t ever the best, but he was the most. Or almost the most. The next-most...” is the equivalent of a Kobe fall away three pointer at the buzzer that misses by five feet). I don’t even like

Deadspin style guide for its “analysts”: