I pay for a very similar service with my mobile bill. I totally forgot that most people use these services for free. People complaining about ads in free version are a bit annoying. It’s free. TANSTAAFL.
Still loving Rdio.
I pay for a very similar service with my mobile bill. I totally forgot that most people use these services for free. People complaining about ads in free version are a bit annoying. It’s free. TANSTAAFL.
Still loving Rdio.
Totally unnecessary to whom? Honestly, this seems like the same cluelessness that leads people to say, “God, why do you have to talk about being gay, nobody even CARES who is or isn’t gay anymore!” Like, actually, no, we don’t live in the magical land where bigotry no longer exists. People are literally calling for…
I have a Spotify subscription and I find it worth the $10/month. No ads and tons of music to choose from.
It isn’t Godwin’s law if it’s like, actually exactly what Nazis did.
Sometimes it’s just unlucky, but I think a lot of the time their parents are probably on their own second or third faces. Can’t inherit what never ran in the family!
I unabashedly enjoyed Lincoln Chafee, felt bad for him during the debate, and hope he has a fabulous life.
What’s funny is that even with Trump, Putin, and the leader of Daesh on the list, the one people will get most outraged over if they win is Caitlyn Jenner.
I think “man” is supposed to be gender neutral in this case. Like mankind. It’s not an attack on men. It’s acknowledgment that no person is without their flaws.
“Respect for stay-at-home mothers has been poisoned by a toxic combination of the village elders’ war on the traditional family and radical feminism’s misogynistic crusade to make working outside the home the only marker of social value and self-respect.’’
“I take the allegations with a side of skepticism”
I for one, love being a fucking adult. It’s the best. Just the other day I had a nightmare I was back to age 12 and it was horrible.
This kid is going to grow up to be Hakeem from Empire
I love when people think North is up and South is down. I realize maps portray it that way, but still. One end is not the top.
She already said she wouldn't name him south because she doesn't like that it's below north or something.
Plus, her getting him out on bond doesn’t prevent him from being convicted later if he is guilty. Unless she sneaks him out of country, I don’t see this as necessarily a bad thing. I think I would bail out a family member too, as long as I felt sure they would not run.
Wilde West.
Kanye Jr. works. It’s got the K and it fits Kanye’s ego. They could even call him KJ, which I actually like.
It’s absolutely tragic what happened to the child, but I know survivors of rape who go on to lead fulfilling lives. That’s all I’m hoping for the kid. Obviously with a ton of love, therapy and family support.