I don’t mind seeing one every now and then but some people just post them one after another and it’s like...how much inspirational shit do you need? How can so many things be so profound to you? It’s the same people every damn time, too.
what I hate the most are those passive-aggressive emo posts like “I’m not mad at…
I always forget that pads are still a thing that are used by adult women, but when I was in college Residential Services had to do an entire PSA campaign about why ladies should NOT leave used tampons on the walls in the communal showers, so make of that what you will.
I have so many poop stories from working in an office building. It’s unbelievable. This isn’t 19th century London, people. Stop shitting on the floor.
We have the same problem in our office building. However, actual human waste that the toilet was designed to handle usually has about a 50/50 chance of being flushed for some reason.
Thank you. I read far too many comments from people these days almost treating it like it is no big deal. Yeah it isn’t a death sentence but it is a huge life altering disease that should be treated as such.
The tripping makes me feel bad for him. I would totally trip if I was leaving a podium. It’s the only thing that keeps me out of politics...lack of grace.
This sad motherfucker is totally pandering to the pity vote demographic.
Eh. I think you’ve got that flipped. Being effectively out of the race lets him say stuff a front-runner couldn’t because they actually have to worry about getting the base of lunatics that vote Republican to support them.
I disagree with Senator Graham on pretty much all the issues, but out of all the people running for the Republican nomination, he’s always struck me as the most competent, serious, and reasonable candidate (arguably because he’s never been in any of the main-stage debates). Which says a lot about the rest of them.
guys i real life gasped when he tripped
According to my 2yo, Cookie Monster and Grover are cousins-in-law. I don’t know what this means, but he’s very serious about it.
I’m not sure how Fiorina got anywhere because I find her wholly unlikeable.
And, of course, we don’t actually know if any of these women have survived domestic violence and not gone public with it. Imagine how painful it would be to see your face photoshopped with bruises if you were a survivor.
Oof. Another problem with domestic violence awareness like this is folks assume it looks like your face is all bruised and cut up. As one of my clients said, “I preferred the beatings. The bruises heal, but I still can’t get the words out of my head.”
Considering that kids past their first birthday are often considered unadoptable—much less black children—this is a pretty damn nice thing for Bullock to do. Good on her.
Okay, but Adam Sandler? Doing a less-than-box office release-movie? He was obviously hoping for something more than a Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen direct-to-DVD movie. Yet that is what he got.
He’s not saying “Buy American”. That would be fine.
Because my siblings and I shouldn’t inherent anything from my parents? All the family keepsakes, their house, their cars should get sold off because taxes?