It’s even more insulting that only offered him 72 Virgin miles for the inconvenience.
It’s even more insulting that only offered him 72 Virgin miles for the inconvenience.
If I may point out, it is pretty easy to accidentally cut off someone entering an airport, as there are usually about a million signs to try to process in a split second and usually several lanes to decide upon. It can be tricky.
Of interest: The porn industry is quicker to drop someone over allegations of rape than the NFL or NCAA.
So...Trump just tried to trick them right? His people said, “you’re invited to a private meeting” and then he was just going to say, pose for photos and be like, “here are X black pastors who are endorsing me - see us shaking hands?” That’s what this is, right?
“You can say you support feminism. But don’t say you’re an actual feminist.”
I would be surprised if his personal and professional life is going to be “ruined” based on those two tweets. Men have been actually accused of rape and gone through the legal process (Bryant, Roethlisberger, Winston) and not had their careers or lives ruined. Bill Cosby was accused of rape by multiple women a decade…
I never know what to do with these kinds of cases. I am a survivor of rape, and deeply believe in showing support and compassion to victims, but at the same time I am deeply uncomfortable with the idea that a person’s personal and professional life can and should be ruined based on two tweets, with absolutely no…
Three parents - 1 a cop, 1 a veteran. None of them a woman there for an abortion, none of them abortion providers.
Because if women stay home and have babies they’re lazy and lack ambition but if they have kids and go to work they are heartless, grasping, non-women. We live in a perpetual catch-22 and why change it? It’s not like making women feel bad about their choices and keeping them from economic equality ever benefitted…
This is a very, very good law and should be publicized more. Especially in highschools and colleges. I don’t think enough at risk women — the sort who have been in denial of or hiding their pregnancy, especially — are aware that there is an option to give the baby into safe keeping with no one ever holding you…
Same. I was really confused because eggs last forever and they’re super cheap so why would you ever freeze them?
I thought people were actually putting their eggs in the freezer and than cooking them.
There are many journalists in the US who believe that caring about human rights makes you a lunatic?
You sound unbearable.
I’m an atheist and there’s nothing more annoying than proselytizing atheists.
Please don’t be one of those insufferable assholes that tell people how they should show support for ______ tragedy just becasue their method may “offend” you. They are free to call it what they wish. Prayers, thoughts, wishes, thoughts from a chosen deity, etc.
Any person with the ability to think will agree that “Thoughts” for Paris will be as effective as “Farts” for Paris.
As an atheist I don’t have a problem with the word “prayers.” It’s not much different than “thoughts.” One definition is “an earnest hope or wish.” I think as long as the intentions are rooted in compassion, there probably isn’t a need to focus so much on what words are used, as long as they are positive, and don’t…
When I go to the doctor’s there is a poster on the wall with maximum “healthy” consumption of alcohol.