And to hell with those old beach bathrooms that don’t have doors. PEE IN THE OCEAN, EVERYONE. BE FREEEEEEE.
And to hell with those old beach bathrooms that don’t have doors. PEE IN THE OCEAN, EVERYONE. BE FREEEEEEE.
I never take the placebos, is that a bad thing?? I still get my period but I just figure they’re kinda useless right....
My midwife put it to me in an interesting way at one point. I asked her about an IUD that could potentially prevent periods and asked if there was a downside to that at all. She was like “No, it’s totally fine. I mean, if you think about it, spending years and years getting a period every month isn’t typically natural…
Yeah I got lots of snide comments about “pain thresholds” from doctors.
I always say (kind of jokingly) women should be given a small script of pain pills each month for their period.
Any time this sort of thing comes up I remember the one embarrassing time in 6th grade I had cramps so bad that the nurse called my father to come get me, and he told her to give me advil and send me back to class because it couldn’t be that bad. I promptly went to the payphone and called my mother at her job to see…
Under a Clinton Presidency we’d have no additional mental health funding and someone who you seem to show so much feigned concern for would be at great risk for being killed by police for the crime of having mental illness.
Right? If we are explicitly being told to vote for her because she’s a woman, I think it’s fair for someone to point out that just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she’d be a great President.
I was at Morehouse last night and heard the speech. The reaction to the word uterus is really ridiculous. Killer Mike’s speech was amazing, just like his other introduction of Sanders when he was in Atlanta on November 23. Focusing on it reduces and confuses the point.
Why are Americans so weird about body parts. I accidentally saw my cousin’s penis when I was 7 when we went camping and had to go to the bathroom. We just went behind a tree and we didn’t try to show each other anything but we also didn’t try to hide anything. Why? Because they are just body parts and accidentally…
Eh, I got married because I got pregnant, at 20. We married after our son was born when we were 21 and 22. Lots of hardships, to say the least. We learned (after the fact) that guests actually took bets as to how long our marriage would last. Six months was at the top end with a few being generous at one year. We are…
Not passive aggressive. Aggressive.
Why can’t men accept impotence as what it so very clearly is? God’s will for them.
As a woman, I’m not sure I have an opinion on tampon package design.
maybe the person who had the ticket is dead? only rational conclusion.
I was just having a version of this conversation with my daughter, focusing on entitlement. A guy she is just friends with likes her and she let him down easily (she’s so sweet, she’s had to let down a few and does it with compassion beyond her years) and some people were giving her grief about it, especially the…
If you taped someone having sex with you, and then posted it online when you broke up, you are a donkey-raping shit eater. I don’t even know how it could be clearer than this. I don’t even recognize the white/black/kinda grey comments going on here. YOU SUCK.
A friend of mine is dealing with this now. She dated a guy for a year, and when they broke up he threw a tantrum and put a video online. She didn’t find out; they eventually reconciled.
If people didn’t have cars, they wouldn’t have their cars stolen. If people didn’t have houses, they wouldn’t have their houses broken into. If people weren’t born, they wouldn’t be murdered.