
Can't wait for the apologist Deadspin posts this weekend about the regular referees!

"The Raiders have released as many players from the first three rounds of the 2011 draft as the other 31 NFL teams combined."

"Their social media rules only limit players from tweeting 90 minutes before and after a game, or any time during it"

That's not reviewable

I didn't know it was different for the NCAA. Interesting.

Not true. A forfeited game is scored 2-0 (since a 1-0 is not possible).

Rich Rodriguez?

Doug Waechter?

Apparently not. I learned earlier this week, that the head-neck thing that a bunch of folks, including FOX ref analyst Mike Periera noted is not required. I thought it was an ok block because Tate didn't come from a downfield position, but rather a parallel one, which would preclude it from being blindside, since a

As a Seahawks fan, I'm particularly upset at the replacement refs.

"so it literally does not make one iota of difference who I vote for"

"at this point of his career, it'd be compelling to watch Eastwood stare in a mirror for 90 minutes."

Isn't this just the NFL equivalent of the NBA player who does that arm-flailing thing whenever he goes into the lane, or screams "and-one" on damn near every possession?

Thanks for the support, Yunel!

No you won't.

Yes, things were much better when the refs were best friends with Brett Favre and Peyton Manning and were constantly asking how their kids were and what not. I found those instances caught on NFL Films video to be much more disturbing.

Lynn Hoppes knew this.


Just to check, is "someone who refused to become a cog" synonymous with "self-centered asshole who was dismissed from two colleges and couldn't stick with any of the 5 teams that gave him a shot"?