
The Verano should have been a Chevy Astra from day one. Which would give them an excuse to make a Chevy Astra VXR. The Astra is everything the Cruze isn’t. It’s everything the Verano isn’t.

Wow, for as much as they suppressed, a whole lot seemed to get through.

I just think it’s amazing that they captured a tornado from formation to around F3 with those amazing upshots. It’s actually really rare for storm chasers to get killed by tornadoes, even the amateurs.

The fact that there are ideas out there that only start from an engineering point of view, is exactly why they need to come up with a design and then compromise it through engineering necessity. You’re still looking at this as if it’s being developed at taxpayer expense, where such issues as appealing design, are

It is still a business, and cities have the right to regulate businesses within their jurisdiction.

Eco boxes are boring in general. But...

People still autocross them.

Which electric cars have you driven personally, to determine that you don’t like how they feel?

1. Will the person be enlightened by correcting them?
2. Will they appreciate that enlightenment?
3. Will the world be improved by winning the argument?
4. Will your life be improved more by winning the argument, or excusing yourself from the argument?

I understand why people live there. I’m more confused about why people stay there when they have options, or move there. Especially people over 30.

There are few places outside of New York City, that can make a person feel more than a commodity than New York does.

I’ve found 250 to 300 horsepower in a car 3300 lbs or less, is my optimum street power. Satisfying burst of power when I want it, but the car isn’t constantly shouting “GO FASTER!” It kind of just whispers it.

I also like a little torque steel to give the whole package more of a hooligan feel. We live in a world of

In 2003 they were saying the F-22 would be doing those missions. The F-16 is doing most of the missions, because we don’t have a ground offensive going on right now.

The sort of mission that the A-10 is useful for, is the kind that requires near ground level use of a 30 mm GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling canon, firing depleted

They use the F-16 for CAS when they can. And they use the A-10 for missions the F-16s aren’t appropriate for. The ground troops like the A-10 because there’s a lower risk of friendly fire, and it terrifies the enemy.


China is on par or ahead of us on alternative energy. They want to tell OPEC to fuck off more than we do.

Other chemistries are also in the works. Magnesium-ion for example, though that technology is at least 5 years from commercialization.

What will doom the oil industry are the convergence of two things: falling prices of solar panels and the emergence of solar roofing tiles, and falling battery costs per kWh.

When we were looking for a recent model used Subaru Outback, they only cost $2,000 to $3,000 less in the condition we were looking for, than a new one fully optioned. If you could find one at all. That was with fairly high mileage for a recent model car.

And I wasn’t going to wait 2 years to buy a Focus ST when it

Sounds like it. I may seriously consider it in a year or so.

It’s genius, but two moving parts makes for a much more stable and controllable craft.

Where are we actually fighting? We have to stop basing our military needs solely on confrontations with the Russians and Chinese.

We aren’t talking about hypothetical, science fictional battles against Russians and the Chinese. Which is what all ideas of “modern battlefields” are. We’re talking about the real