
I don’t think so. There’s a huge difference in floor to ceiling height.

In that town, that’s what passes for entertainment.

Can’t argue with your logic. If you regard your car as a monetary instrument, optioning out your car is going to give you a worse return on your investment than no options. You’ll be driving a stripped down car that’s just wheels and a less comfortable seat, and if that’s the way you like your cars, more power to ya.

How can Harley’s “top-end” motor make under 100 horsepower? Yes, I get that it makes over 100 foot-pounds of torque and that is awesome, but come on.

In Los Angeles, we can sell electricity to the city (at a wholesale rate). If the price came down to the point of a 10 percent increase over a standard roof, and cities required solar roofing on all new construction, and we could store that energy for nighttime use...well, imagine all the power produced by all the

Would have made it more obvious that the purpose of the article was to bag on the PT Cruiser some more. It’s Jalopnik’s favorite punching bag.

The PT is judged on the last year it was made. If you really think about it, the HHR was the upgrade the PT Cruiser needed in 2006. The HHR also fits in the same category the PT does in terms of vehicle function: A van even minier that an minivan. Great for your IKEA furniture.

The Prowler was making 214 hp and weighed 2,800 lbs.

I kind of think the entire purpose of this list, is to once again lay down the Jalopnik hate on PT Cruisers. All the other cars are MacGuffins.

Pontiac had three problems: 1. Educating the public on the historic ties to the GTO, 2. trying to sell rear wheel drive without badmouthing every other car in the Pontiac line and 3. Educating the public that Pontiac still existed.

I dunno. German car owners in general. I’ve been exposed to them on a fairly regular basis. Even VW owners try to get in on the game. But Miata has become an obnoxious religion.

Have you tried running without eating anything all day before you run?

I can’t hang out with conservative men and women socially. Every word they say just fills me with astonishment and a kind of suppressed rage, and makes me sad for mankind’s future.

It would be nice if that switch could be turned on just before exercising so you don’t have to carb up. You carb up by giving the fat the Bat Signal to excrete their sugar.

Yuck. No. On either idea. Just got her some nice clear headlights for the car. The PT has to live another two years or so, might as well make sure she can see at night. I still like it’s quirky looks, and they’re so numerous in LA you’d think they’re still making them.

My wife’s reaction:

The more I think about this, the more I think for any other candidate, this would have been a huge interruption to their narrative. For Bernie Sanders, it’s just right, an important link in the chain of his overall narrative: this is a group desperate for their concerns to be addressed, and that is Sander’s overall

July was a pretty heavy monsoon season, delivering a slightly higher than normal rainfall to Nevada. When there’s rain in the desert, the population of every desert thing from plants to bugs, explodes.

I wish this were about Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle’s “Inferno”. Even better if they released it as “Infernoland”.

I started riding a motorcycle as a kid, and it came naturally to me. My wife started riding in her 20s, and it came naturally to her. She specifically credited riding a multi speed bicycle and driving a manual car for the ease with which she adapted to motorcycling. She’s commuted 22 miles to work every day in Los