
I’ll give it a try


I’ve put a snarky comment about the film in a time-locked vault for the next 100 years. It’s a really sick burn that no one here will be alive to read.

Found on ebay:

2015 USAF Ghostrider Gunship
One of a kind
Babied...never tracked or raced...never wintered.
New wings and recently replaced OEM flight crew buckets.
$50 million OBO.
No tire kickers, no mavericks.

It went over it’s designed load limits. The airframe was compromised.

HAL also was not went “insane” after a logical error that caused it to flip out. He was ordered to be 100% accurate with all mission reporting, but was also programmed to withhold information about the extraterrestrial origins of the mission from the scientists and astronauts on the mission.

That Wookieepedia link has a “Canon” tab you can click on to see how it compares to the Legends version

yah, and wait to the vtec kicks in, yo. How’s the tire pressure flyboy?

Actually, the recent Star Wars Battlefront novel (which was quite good, actually) made KDY and their orbital shipyards canon again.

Venku_Skirata did but sadly it was the old extended universe that is now a “legend”. But I do think Kuat ship yards was mentioned at least on Clone Wars or Rebels, but I could be wrong. I am a lot lately ;)

The cool thing here is that she can make the alien’s chest open up, just like “Norris” in The Thing.

True, I like fast nerds.

What a piece of junk!

It’s just not your thing, I’m the same way you are with the Stalker series no matter how many times I try to play the game I just can’t get into it.

I couldn’t agree more. Lets see a driverless car handle getting stuck on a snowy driveway or steep street. I want to see a driverless car use momentum driving to keep from getting stuck in deep snow, or make a running start up an icy hill.

so my hate for conservatives is alright?

Always the best reliable disclosure from you, I can’t even comprehend what they must be going through there...its just.. madness...

Tyler, thank you for your sensible, not sensationalist, reporting!

Stop making me want to buy more books!

Great article. The whole story is unbelievable....