
Dr. Fiona C. Ingleby: I am an evolutionary biologist interested in the genetics of complex traits and sexual conflict.

This is one of the many reasons why peer reviews should be anonymous both ways, reviewers shouldn't know for whom they are reviewing.

I should have been clearer: the park practices a finders, keepers policy.

Weekly photoshop contest? Please??????


I have to say, Timothy Dalton in this film is one of the finest performances of any actor ever on screen.


Very cool. Rocket bullets look like a blast.

Good luck finding a compatible astromech to go with it; the new BB series is too small.

Now playing

This guy would like a word on what constitutes “skilled":

Seems like a nice game. Will care if it ever winds up on PC.

I don't know what to do, Nathan. I don't have 20 minutes and you assumed I did.

OR…. you can just tell them where you are! When Woz, Musk and Hawking warn about computers and robots taking over our lives and the world, this nonsense is what they're talking about

This would go a lot faster if it wasnt restricted to iOS.

Technically "natural" just means it came from planet earth.

"They can contain dosages twice as high as Viagra itself," Cohen added.

Now replace "smoking to relax" with "working out to relax" or "taking a hot bath to relax" or "listening to music to relax" or "gardening to relax."

Sure, many people smoke pot, but that doesn't mean everyone should. Some people have effects like what you mention.