
I can’t get into Stalker either. I’ve tried. Just not my thing. I love all Bethesda games though. They are just more approachable and full of humor.

You would be wrong.

Well...comparing the US to the Swiss is not really accurate. What’s wrong with the US has to do with what’s inside our skulls. We are a violence loving people. The Swiss aren’t.

I wonder if humans co-evolved with our own special version of bacteria. In other words, our bodies literally adopted the bacteria (or bacteria like...) model of micro machine and uses a special variant unique to us.

I would say that a chemical molecule that does not occur in nature is synthetic and therefore not natural. But that’s my definition and apparently no one agrees what that definition should be.

The organic monitoring company is the only thing that matters. If the producer complies with requirements, they can use the proprietary stamp and there are quite a few out there. Just forget the government. They aren’t here to help.

*slow clap*

He needs a professional handler. His technical vision is still impressive, but his movies have lost all the soul seen in D9. He needs to refocus on character development. Even the scientifically dubious Prometheus had better characters than Chappie and Elysium.

So, Cutter Lemon is the best?

For anyone who’s tried salivia divinorum, the universe is indeed made of plaid.

That’s about my speed. If I have a cup of coffee, even that’s out of the question.

It sucked. So I went to Steam and got a refund. Isn’t that nice? Can you do that?

Beware of the caffeine half life of roughly 6 hours. That means it takes about 24 hours for your body to completely flush it out. If you take caffeine in the morning, the half life will mean the bulk is gone by bedtime. If you keep drinking it during the day, you are stacking the chemical and it will still be working

So, Uranium 233 can either be fractionated off the reactor material or left to be burned as fuel?

I haven’t heard that one. That’s not good.

“I didn’t want to give the impression that I’m anti-Thorium power. “

Did you see how complex that fusion reactor is? To go from that to a viable commercial solution is decades away. Decades. IF it produces usable power. We will see LFTR’s in the next 5 years. Not in America, but in China/Europe. Actual working power plants. The fuel is just too abundant. It’s literally lying on the

IMO: If women had evolved to be the physically more powerful of the two genders, then women would ESSENTIALLY be doing to men what men are doing to women. Probably not the weird rapey things, but definitely power tripping. Look at the life cycle of the mantid.

True that. What’s awesome about LFTR though is that the fuel is sitting in massive above ground waste piles from rare earth element mines. It’s thrown away as a “junk” element that just gets in the way of processing the stuff they are targeting. What fuel does fusion use? How hard would that be to mine? Heavy water

True that. I want coal/oil/natural gas gone from the energy equation. If thorium is the gateway drug to fusion, then well...more power to us!