


“anime industry as we now know it will end in the next five to twenty years.”

Those muscles are spectacular.

What’s important are the characterizations. This is a lot like the freak out over Elba possibly being a new James Bond. As far as characters go, he’s clearly perfect.

“...jazz hand...” lol.

“the fire tornado doesn’t burn my ex-wife Diane to death while her fa***t boyfriend cries”

I don’t understand any of this. The prison industrial complex only stands to make more money by making special provisions for inmates. With proper over-billing, they could charge the state double the costs and give the transgender population the protections they need. It’s a win for the PIC and a win for prisoner

I guess it’s so obvious that it doesn’t bear mentioning. Just in case, that Gorgon labyrinth map looks just like Italy.

More women need to be brought in to drive the intimacy scripting. Women are complex. Not stereotyped sex dolls. For instance, I would love to be smacked around by Brienne of Tarth. For one glorious moment, let go of control and get a break from all the responsibility of saving the world

Advanced vocal skills lead to languages which led to writing. Writing is a top foundation element of science. Why did we develop such specific language intonation skills when the Great Apes have such lack of verbal skills? Google!!!

I think what actually makes us special is how fast we made it here. Our closest neighbor the Great Apes are nowhere near our capability.

Keep in mind, humans are only half baked from an evolutionary standpoint. A point made painfully apparent to me when I had rotator-cuff micro-surgery done to my shoulder. The absolutely stunning thing about our species is we have science. We can overcome our evolutionary weaknesses through the power of thought alone.

Not 100% pure chance. The progenitor lifeform (bacteria) is still DNA based with the same base cellular mechanics it’s always carried through all mass extinction events. So, maybe reptiles and ape like mammals don’t get a second chance. Maybe this time it’s cephalopods, or insecta rises to the top. I wonder though if

I realize how important this is, but right now I wish we have ray tracing like shadows. Accurate shadows would radically alter any game environment.

Firing that Gatling gun must be bone jarring in the cockpit.

I think once computational power reaches sufficient mass we’ll be able to simulate it.

Sure. I would say the most persistent factor is the progenitor: bacteria. The seed bacteria is already a fixed design with a DNA based life. So, some things will be similar no matter what.

What I wonder is, if there was another mass extinction event (like the great freeze), would the ape-like hominid rise up randomly again? Or would something completely different evolve? Is the path so totally random that upright bipedal mammals may never be seen again on Earth? Or even mammals?

Clearly, all we need to do is convince some Halo players that there’s a secret room in the B-52 that you can only get to if you bolt on better engines.

You can assume snark with me. But, I admit, it’s both a floor wax AND a dessert topping!