
Weird. FUN FACT!

Clearly Elvis was the winner.

No. I was unaware that there was a cure once you got the toxin. Tetanus is a living thing, but it's waste material is one of the most potent poisons known to human kind (next to some kind of crazy conch shelled thing I read about once). So, I'm thinking about the toxin itself.

WOW! This isn't something I never expected to ever see! Now lets see a tetanus anti-toxin.

NOT BAD! Not bad at all. Independent's what's for breakfast.

His verbal gaffs are legendary.

HAHAHA! Great comeback.

THAT'S the criminal. Dubya was a puppet. And a bad one at that.

Reply to ripfire4: Thanks for the fix.

And now they are having sex and creating the penultimate country of arrogance and stupidity.

I can't wait for my anti-aging cream! Oh wait...wasn't there some kind of price to pay for that?

Now is the time to rent Gunkata.

Ahhh the Miata's rear diff. Excellent little sports car.

I've always wondered if she was related to the triple breasted whore of Eroticon 6.

I can't wait for the pics. But I guess I'll have to.

Holy cow!

I had the original Pong console. That's how long I've been playing.

In the picture it says it's the type 41.

Yeah, I don't own a single Apple product. I care not.

I've never seen the Bugatti Royale. Pretty big engine compartment. I like how the driver can get blasted by the elements while the owner sits in luxury.