Or the "tools" in Dead Ringer.
Or the "tools" in Dead Ringer.
Let me take a wild guess...
Well, OK, but then the aliens would have to also go YEEEE HAAA!! When they kill someone.
Let's see how many ideas this ripped off...
This is L freakin A we are talking about. How come some producer hasn't turned that tunnel into a mad scientist hide out amusement park?
I didn't see that article. If you find it, link it definitely. Doing a 55 into water sounds more like trying to commit suicide to me.
Yeah, this was the first one to come to mind.
Ok, this is funny. It's a good example of how money can buy things, but it can't buy brains.
Now we know it runs on AC.
God! Please! Give me a sign! Any sign that I should abandon this crappy mortgage!
I'm pretty excited about thorium reactors considering the US has a lot of thorium.
You forgot item -1: It's OK to drop out. If you've got an opportunity to pursue your dream and college/university is just in the way. Drop out. You won't have the debt burden and you will be true to yourself. formal education is not mandatory. I'm not trying to blow my own horn here: I made well into 6 figures…
As long as it's not MY gronch!
All I can tell you from personal experience is I broke about ten of those with game rage. But, it certainly was an easy to use controller.
I agree with your selections. FPS's are owned by a mouse and keyboard. Specifically a programmable gamepad keyboard.
What could possibly go wrong???
F'k the pigs just took on a whole new meaning.
Any photoshopper pros online? I'm staring at my Jenga game.